Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for 365 Accounts.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of 365 Accounts you're using.
What's New
Select Multiple Companies Features
You now have the ability to select multiple companies when navigating Driver Shift Reports, Docket Checks and Posting, Invoicing, and Dockets Archive.
French (Belgium) FR-BE Locale Support and Translations
We now support French Belgium (FR-BE) locale and translations.
Export Sheet Summary: 'Card Booking Fee'
The field, 'Card Booking Fee', is available in the Export Sheet Summary.
We have added "Card Booking Fee" to the Export Sheet Summary.
Email Statement for Customer Transactions
Previously, to email a statement, the user would have to download and attach it to an email manually. Now, you are able to email a statement by selecting 'Downloadable Statements' > 'Email'. The 'Download Type' must be set to 'Single'.
Filenames for Zip Downloads
When invoicing a single account, the filename is the date and time stamp.
Vehicle & Driver Credit Sheet: Commissions and Earnings Breakdown.
There are new customisable fields within the Ghost Template Editor, allowing the user to display commissionable and non-commissionable amounts clearly within the credit sheets. This reduces the time spent querying past jobs to show a breakdown of earnings.
Missing Fields Added in Dockets Checks and Invoicing Screens
When using the customise header function in Dockets, Checks & Posting, and Invoicing, users are now able to view additional fields, including:
- Driver Commission Fee
- Service Charge Fee
- Renamed "Cash Account Fee" to "Kickback Fee"
- Kickback Fee Commission
Removal of Currency Symbol on Exports
To assist with importing Accounts data, when right-clicking and exporting on accounts tables, any instances of the currency symbol are removed.
No Requirement for Date Ranges in Invoice Retrieve and Customer Transactions
When searching for 'Invoice Number' in Invoices Retrieve or 'Invoice Number' and 'Credit Note Number' in Customer Transactions, there is no requirement to provide a date range.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Issue with being unable to safe a Tariff without Variable or Fixed being selected.
Fixed: Issue with Driver Accounts columns not sorting correctly for Driver Callsign, Vehicle or Driver Name.
Fixed: Issue when filtering column in Driver Shift Reports not sorting correctly.
Fixed: Issue when adding or editing a docket defaulting to all companies.
Fixed: Issue within Driver Shifts Reports with filtering on tables not being alphabetical.
Fixed: Issue within Driver Accounts with filtering on tables not being alphabetical.
Fixed: Issue with Driver Accounts "Process All Drivers" button processing multiple times if clicked more than once in quick succession.
Fixed: Issue with 0 value showing in credit and debit column in Customer Transactions.
Fixed: Issue with 0 value showing in credit and debit column in Driver Accounts.
Fixed: Issue with EN-LU Locale currency displaying as incorrect currency.