Add corporate account
To add a new corporate account:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter the required details (marked with an asterisk *) within each tab.
- Then click Create.
- Display Name: Enter the name of the company, department, or organisation you are adding.
- Account Code: Enter a unique code for identifying this account.
- Taxi Company: Select which system taxi company this account is active on.
- Suspended: Toggle On to suspend this account.
- Active History: Click to view any changes made to this account.
- Client Company Name: Enter the client's registered company name.
- Address: Enter the address details of the client company.
- Telephone: Enter the telephone number of the client's company.
- Contact Name: Enter the contact name of the client company (E.g. John Smith).
- Fax: Enter the fax number of the client company.
- Emails (comma/semi-colon separated): Enter any emails for the client company (Invoices will be sent to the emails added here).
- Website: Enter the client company's website URL.
- Mandatory Booking Fields: Select any fields here that must be added when making a booking for this account.
- Passwords: Add custom passwords that must be quoted by a customer when booking using this account.
Job Processing
- Contract Number: The account customer's contract number, typically shown on invoices.
- Invoice Template: Select which template should be used for account invoices.
- Export Invoice: Select which template should be used for export invoices.
- Invoice Email Body: Enter custom text to be shown in the email body when sending an invoice.
- Invoice Header: Enter a custom text to be shown in the email header when sending an invoice.
- Invoice Footer: Enter custom text to be shown in the email footer when sending an invoice.
- Print Invoice: Select if invoices for this account should also be printed automatically.
- Email Invoice: Select if the system should automatically send an email to the customer when an invoice is generated.
- Invoice Frequency: Select how often an invoice should be sent when bulk sending invoices.
- Invoice Format: Changing this will change the style of the invoices instead of using the default template.
- Split Up Multi Pickup Jobs: Enable to split up jobs with multiple pickups for the customer account.
- Upload Invoice: Enable to upload a copy of your invoices to the file system.
- Auto Export Job Info When Posted: Enable to automatically export job info when a job is processed.
- Use Signatures: If enabled a customer booking with this account will be required to provide a signature on the driver's device.
- Extra Cost Tax Rate: If additional tax rates are required, you can apply them here.
- Reference: Enter a unique reference as an identifier for invoices of this account.
- Include Export In Email: Select if invoice reports should be attached to the customer's invoice email.
- Invoice Per Job: If required, enable this to create an invoice per job rather than in bulk.
- Invoice Summary Sort By: Select which element the system should sort the invoice summaries by.
- Job Group Mode Sort By: Select how the system should sort jobs on an invoice.
- Job Group Mode: Select how jobs should be grouped on an invoice.
- Master Account: If this is a sub-account, select the main account it is linked to.
- Service Charge Type: Select if the service charge should be in percentage or a fixed amount.
- Service Charge: Enter the service charge value.
- Service Charge Tax Rate: If service charge tax rates are required, you can apply them here.
- Tax Rate: If a standard tax rate is required, you can apply it here.
- VAT Mode: Select which VAT mode should be used for this account.
- Discount Type: If you wish to apply a discount to this account, select the discount type here.
- Discount: Enter the value of the discount.
Auto Approve Recipe: Select which mode to use for auto-approving recipes.
- Custom Auto Approve Recipe Method: Select if auto-approval should be used or not.
- Custom Auto Approve Recipe: Select under which circumstances an account booking can be auto-approved.
Use Global:
- Invoice Payment Method: Select the default invoice payment method.
- Display Price/Cost On Booking Screen Mode: Select if the price or cost should be on the booking screen for bookings on this account.
- Use Master Account Pricing Modes: Enable if this is a sub-account and it should inherit the pricing modes set don't the master account.
- Variable Tariff Mode: Select the variable tariff mode for this account.
- Fixed Tariff Mode: Select the fixed tariff mode for this account.
- Variable Tariffs: Select which variable tariffs should be applied to this account.
- Fixed Tariffs: Select which fixed tariffs should be applied to this account.
- Auto Price/Cost Recalculation On Shout Mode: Bookings for this account will be recalculated automatically when in shout mode.
- Variable Price Fixed (Excluding As Directed): Enable to fix the variable price for any bookings that aren't 'as directed'.
- Waiting Time Minutes Free: Enter a value of the amount of waiting per job this account customer can accumulate before applying waiting time charges.
- Override Force Shout For Fixed Tariffs: Enable to clear jobs without a driver shout if the fixed price matches.
- Waiting Time Minutes Free: Set how much waiting time a customer on this account can have for free.
- Gratuity Surcharge Mode: Select if gratuity is charged on top of the surcharge or separately.
- Gratuity Setting Type: Select the gratuity type.
- Gratuity Setting Value: Enter the gratuity value.
- Apply Surcharge Mode: Select if surcharges should be charged when a booking is placed or completed.
- Surcharge (Price): The settings here will apply a surcharge on top of an account booking price.
- Surcharge Type: Select the surcharge value type.
- Surcharge Value: Enter the value of the surcharge.
- Round-Up To Nearest: Set the nearest decimal place to round the surcharge up to (E.g. 0.01).
- Variable Tariffs Only: Enable to only apply the surcharge to variable tariffs.
Surcharge (Cost): The settings here will apply a surcharge on top of an account booking cost.
- Surcharge Type: Select the surcharge value type.
- Surcharge Value: Enter the value of the surcharge.
- Round-Up To Nearest: Set the nearest decimal place to round the surcharge up to (E.g. 0.01).
- Variable Tariffs Only: Enable to only apply the surcharge to variable tariffs.
- Price Limits: Enable to configure price limits for this account.
- iGo Pricing: Select if account bookings from iGo should use your system pricing or vendor pricing.
- iGo Pricing Surcharge Mode: Enable to add a separate surcharge for iGo bookings.
- Auto Exchange Enabled: Enable to automatically exchange account jobs for this customer between your systems.
- Comments: Enter custom messages to be displayed for different users.
- Auto Priority: If required, set a custom priority for bookings from this account to override the default booking priorities.
- Passcode Failure Mode: Select what the system should do if a customer fails to enter the correct booking passcode.
Passenger Notifications:
- Use Custom Textback Template: Enable to use a custom textback template for bookings on this account.
- Use Custom Email Template: Enable to use a custom email template for bookings on this account.
- Enable Callback: Toggle to enable callback for bookings on this account.
- Disable Ringback: Enable to disable ringback for bookings on this account.
- Interactive Confirm Booking Prompt: Enable to prompt the customer to press 1 when a ringback happens to confirm the booking.
- Interactive Cancel Booking Prompt: Enable to prompt the customer to press 2 when a ringback happens to cancel the booking.
Cab Exchange Options:
- Enable Identifier: Enable to generate a unique identifier for this account for linking it to other products such as eBooking and the Passenger App.
- Identifier: This field will be populated with the generated identifier.
- Mode: Select which mode should be used for cab exchange on this account.
- Agent ID: Enter the customer's company ID and spend it with a 3 (E.g. 30053).
- Contract Reference: Enter the cab exchange agent reference.
- Accept Set Prices: Enable to allow set prices for account bookings made through cab exchange.
- iGo VAT Mode: Select a VAT mode for your iGo accounts. See How To Set Up iGo VAT Mode for further information on this setting.
Optimised Dispatch:
- Optimised Dispatch Enabled: Toggle to "enabled" to display additional settings.
- Optimised Dispatch Capacity Threshold: Set the percentage capacity threshold, which will automatically switch off "Optimised Dispatch" for this customer account once reached (Note: This can only be set in increments of 10%).
- Optimised Dispatch Priority Limit: Set the highest priority the booking can be increased to (e.g. 1-9).
- Optimised Dispatch Time Limit: Set the time limit for increasing the booking priority (e.g. after 2 minutes, the priority will be increased by 1 increment).
EBP Bank Details: This is for adding the Electronic Bank Payment (EBP) bank details of a 3rd party bank.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Bank Code: The bank code.
EBP Account Work: This is for adding the EBP Account Work details of a 3rd party account.
- Account Reference: Your individual account reference number.
- Payout Code: The code for recording money paid out of the account.
- Payin Code: The code for recording money paid into the account.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Currency: The currency the driver should be billed in.
Sage Settings:
- Account Settings: Add your Sage account settings here if you bill drivers through Sage.
- Payment Card: Add a payment card for Sage.
Sage Settings: