Follow on Booking mode allows you to receive automatic booking jobs if you are Soon to Clear.
With this mode, you can accept Follow-on bookings shortly before completing your current job, improving dispatch times and offering more driver availability. Dispatching to a vehicle earlier means your passengers can track their vehicle earlier too! Without the requirement for manual dispatch, this also reduces operator involvement.
As a driver, you have the flexibility to accept follow-on bookings shortly before completing a job. If you qualify for a follow-on booking, it will automatically appear on your screen. Additionally, you can opt out of any current follow-on bookings while actively on a job.
Moreover, if issues arise during your current job, you have the option to recover the follow-on job at any time.
Please ensure your Driver Companion Android app is at least version 2.20.8 or later to access this feature.
To accept a follow-on booking:
- Avoid swiping the "Not interested right now" prompt on the eligibility screen for follow-on bookings.
- You can recognise which jobs are follow-on bookings by the indicator at the top of the screen when you receive a job offer.
- Accept the follow-on booking by swiping the screen to the right, just like any other job.
To opt out of any follow-on bookings:
- When the "You qualify for follow-on bookings" screen appears, swipe the red circle to the left to indicate your current disinterest in follow-on bookings.
You will become eligible for follow-on bookings again upon starting a new shift.
For information on how to configure automatic follow-on bookings within 365 Management, refer to Dispatch Configuration - General Settings.