Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for Phantom.
To ensure you have the best experience using Phantom, we recommend always updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you within Phantom will depend on your company's configuration of Phantom and the current version you're using.
What's New
Locale and Translations
Phantom now supports the locale and translations for:
- Czech (Prague) CZ
- French (Belgium) FR-BE
IVR Language Support
Our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system now supports the use of multiple languages.
Better Visibility of Recordings
When a transfer during a call occurs, the recording splits into a new part. Previously, these new parts were difficult to locate. By introducing linking between recordings, all recording splits link to the original call.
Failing Authentication Attempts
When logging in on the UI and remote mobile login, the user has 10 attempts to log in successfully before the account is locked by the system. To unlock their account, the user must contact their administrator. This helps to secure accounts from unauthorised personnel trying to gain access.
External SQL Routing
Accessing the external SQL routing feature is now accessible from the UI as a menu item.
Security Improvements
Security is our top priority. We are implementing new security measures to safeguard your system against potential threats and enhance our protection measures.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Issue with third-party IVR calls using up to 2 or 3 call lines.
- Fixed: Issue with remote mobile agents' wallboard icon staying green, regardless of any action taken.
- Fixed: Issue with external transfers overwriting the previous agent's call.
- Fixed: Issue with agent icon failing to turn purple for outgoing calls when PJSIP is active.
- Fixed: Issue when saving a new MOH, the name does not appear until refreshing the screen.
- Fixed: Issue when calling VO resulting in an "Unknown column" error.