Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for Ghost.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of Ghost you're using.
What's New
Prebookings on Job Screen
Previously when accessing the Job Screen in B&D by entering the 'J' key after a callsign, you will only see completed jobs, not representing all bookings. To give a better overview of all bookings in your system, we have added prebookings to the Job Screen, including cancellations and no-fares. You can toggle these booking types on and off to view different combinations.
Driver Shifts Controller
A new endpoint for updating driver shifts, improving the previous process of deleting and re-creating the old record.
Rejected Driver Request
We have implemented a rejected driver request that can be sent by the agent after dispatch. When dispatching the booking to the driver, the request allows for the recovery of the booking, marks the vehicle as NOT requested, ensures the booking is not held and that the driver does not receive a penalty and returns to their position in the queue.
Blocking Multiple Auto Follow On or Bid While Busy Offers
To ensure fairness and prevent overloading jobs, once a driver accepts a follow-on booking or receives a successful bid offer, they will not receive any other auto follow-on and bid while busy offers.
Removing PayPal Here
We have removed all sign-up links relating to PayPal Here as it is no longer functional.
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Issue with the filter in Operator Reports returning results containing date ranges outside of the search band.
Fixed: Issue with the telephony settings endpoint returning a 500 error when using a local IP address.
Fixed: Issue with Ghost failing to start up due to an exception if a driver is logged into two different vehicles.
Fixed: Issue with bookings without a valid driver or a vehicle assigned could be dispatched.
Fixed: Issue when fetching custom addresses due to the web API endpoint causing delays on the main thread.
Fixed: Issue where Ghost does not abort a build if a database update fails.
Fixed: Issue where the endpoint to get account customers fails when a customer has an invalid CAP identifier.
Fixed: Issue when creating, updating or deleting users and user groups is not requesting the required server-side permission checks.
Fixed: Issue with the web API log still truncating.
Fixed: Issue with invoicing account jobs in 365 Accounts when card payments have been taken.
Fixed: Issue with the Shift filter not working in Booking Zone Stats reports in 365 Management.
Fixed: Issue relating to Judopay payments when the archive database is offline.
Fixed: Issue with the database update scripts unconditionally recreating the booking stats tables.
Fixed: Issue with suspending a driver and setting an end time on the same day due to time-zone complications.
Fixed: Issue where the server is not sending the Booking ID in the Job Archive within 365 Accounts.
Fixed: Issue with an unknown error occurring when deleting vehicles in Ghost 365, resulting in the vehicle still being visible until refreshing the application.
Fixed: Issue with the Drivers table not updating when a driver's suspension ends.
Fixed: Issue with the Driver Sheet Summary length being unnecessarily long.
Fixed: Issue when setting a pick-up location resulting in the Return Flight Info field disabling, preventing the user from entering flight details.
Fixed: Issues relating to the booking screen background colours obscuring information and resulting in hard-to-read text.
Fixed: Issue where approved dockets for multiple companies were incorrectly posting when using the company filter to show and post dockets for a specific company.