Release Date: August 2023
Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for the Accounts Portal.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of the Accounts Portal you're using.
Page Titles
When navigating around the portal, the title of the current page appears in the tab alongside Corporate Accounts Portal as "CAP - Title", for example, CAP - Passengers.
Dutch-Belgium Translations
Our Dutch (Belgium) locale translations have been updated in the system.
New Spanish Translations
New Spanish translation files for locales of Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Peru are now available in the portal.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Issue where the incorrect currency (Euros) is displaying for some countries instead of the correct currency (Dollars).
- Fixed: Issue when inputting a mobile number, the input field would register blank spaces as an acceptable value.
- Fixed: Issue affecting the Live Page where empty lines are showing when refreshing the page multiple times in succession.
- Fixed: Issue affecting pages when scrolling down past multiple items, the system is displaying empty rows.