Booking Stations are a feature in the Corporate Accounts Portal (CAP) that allows bookings to be made for others who do not have accounts on the portal, making the process easy and efficient.
Access Control
Access Control is a security feature in CAP that restricts access to the Station interface, ensuring that only authorised users can make bookings. When Access Control is enabled, the first thing a user sees upon opening E-Booker is a login page. This adds an extra layer of security and prevents unauthorised access to the system.
Without Access Control on the station, cash bookings are disabled and bookers are unable to amend or cancel bookings.
Placing a Booking
Upon opening E-Booker, you'll interact with the UI which features a tangible map of your current location and a booking form to input the passenger options.
To book for a Guest:
- Enter the guest's name and phone number.
- Optionally, enter their email address.
- Enter your pickup location into the Where can we pick you up from? field.
- Note: You can type a postcode, area or street name to filter down the address results.
- You can also physically select the location on the map. To do so:
- Click on the 'Set location on map' text.
- Navigate to the location on the map:
- You can move about the map by left-clicking the map, holding down the left-click button and moving your mouse. You can also use the left, right, up and down arrow keys to move about.
- To zoom in and out, use the mouse scroll or the zoom-in and out buttons located in the top-right corner of the map.
- Click and hold your left and right mouse keys simultaneously and move your mouse to rotate the map on an X and Y-axis.
- Once found your pickup, right-click on the map and an address field will populate with your chosen address. From here you can correct any mistakes in the address by using the edit (
) icon.
- Press Confirm to continue and add the address, or Cancel to remove the address.
- Click on the 'Set location on map' text.
- Proceed with the booking by adding the destination in the 'Where to?' field.
- After this, you can add extra stops by selecting Add Stop. You can also edit or remove the pickup, destination or any added stops using the Remove ( X ) button.
- To select a date for pickup, click on the date shown (e.g. 18 Oct 2023) to open a calendar. By default, the current date is selected. You can also choose to adjust the time of pickup to either Now or Future. If you select Future, a time will appear and you can click on it to open a clock and choose the desired time by selecting the numbers on the dial.
- Next, you can specify which payment method the passenger will be using. If Access Control is disabled, this restricts the option to account.
Note: Card payments are disabled on all booking stations.
- To choose your passenger's vehicle, you need to click on the Any car option. A dropdown list appears, showing you the different types of vehicles available in the fleet. Additionally, it provides you with details on the number of passengers and luggage the vehicle can accommodate. You will also get an estimated arrival time and cost. Hover over a car type and use the More Details (
) icon to read further information about that specific vehicle.
- To specify the number of passengers and bags for your booking, use the Person and Luggage icons and select the appropriate number from the dropdown lists. Please note that if you choose a number of passengers or bags that exceeds the capacity of your previously selected car, the car may not be applicable anymore. In such a case, the system prevents the user from booking that car.
- Finally, before proceeding with the booking, there is a text field under Note to driver to add any specific requirements the passenger may need.
- To complete the booking, select the Book button at the bottom the the table.
At any point in the booking creation, you can utilise the Reset () button located in the top-left corner of the form to start again, clearing all data from the booking fields.
You can use your Booking Station to book for Staff, who are the passengers added to your People tab in CAP. Refer to the People article for instructions on adding staff to your platform.
To book for Staff:
- On the booking form, select the FOR STAFF option to open a dropdown menu.
- From this menu, select the member of staff you would like to make a booking for.
- After choosing your member of staff, their account will already host their details (name, phone number, email address) so you can continue through a create a booking as you normally would.
Understanding the Booking Confirmation Screen
When you have placed a booking, a screen appears highlighting the details of your booking.
On here, if enabled, you can book a return journey using the Book a Return Journey button or make an identical booking using the Multiply Booking button.
Booking Station with Booking Template
When a Booking Template is assigned to your Booking Station, it will be automatically loaded. If multiple templates are assigned, when the station is accessed, the booker will be presented with the option to choose a specific template.
To change between templates, click the Reset () button in the blue tab next to the booking template name to open the menu of templates.
Force Template
If your Booking Station has Force Template enabled on a booking template in the Config settings, when opening E-Booker you will be unable to change any of the options configured in the template or select a different booking template.
Booking Station with Travel Program
Using a Travel Program with your station allows you to establish booking restrictions on your e-booking platform. You can enable a program on your station in the Limits section.
When a booking is made with a Travel Program in effect and falls outside the established limitations, the system generates an error message, informing the user that the booking cannot be completed due to non-compliance with the program's rules and restrictions.