Dear Customer,
CMAC will be sending their price to your dispatch system directly via integration. This price is configured and sent by CMAC as per the regional rates specified on their portal.
The price sent is excluding VAT as are any extras/charges which aren't included in the initial pricing. Any extras will be added to CMAC's portal directly.
**Configuring tariffs against this account will have no effect as the price is fixed**
The default setting is that the same price and cost will be applied to these jobs meaning that your drivers will receive the full value of the fare paid by CMAC. If you wish to set a difference between price and cost, it is important that you carry out the below change on your Autocab system to make sure your Cost is appropriate at the time of booking and is automated. Alternatively, you can adjust your cost within Dockets Checks & Posting manually, once the journey has been completed.
Note: We advise that you use the automated method and only display the cost of the journey to the driver to avoid confusion with the driver on what they will be paid for completing the journey.
System Configuration Changes.
Please login to your system - https://portal.autocab365.com/ Under 365 Accounts, there is a new account which has been set up for you named CMAC CABX.

Navigate to Accounts > Corporate Accounts. Type in the Search Box "CMAC CABX" Double Click to open the Account for configuration.

Adding VAT to invoicing.
You will need to configure your system if you wish to add VAT to your CMAC invoice. *After the Dec 1st change mentioned above*
This is done in your Job Processing tab, ensure a Tax Rate is set and an appropriate VAT Mode is applied.

Adding a Negative Cost Surcharge.
Note: This Surcharge will apply to all CMAC fare stages and cannot be configured individually.
This is done in your Tariffs tab, ensure the Surcharge mode is applied at the Time of Booking.

On the same tab, scroll down to Surcharge (Cost) on the right side.

Ensure the Surcharge Type button is ON, then choose the mode: Amount or Percentage. Finally, add a value in the Surcharge Value box.
Choosing the Amount type will deduct whatever amount is set. e.g. a -10 Amount Value will take £10 off the cost.
Choosing the Percentage type will deduct a percentage amount off the cost. e.g. a -10 Percentage Value will reduce the Cost by 10%.
Note: Adding a -100 percentage will hide the Cost on these bookings, this is the only way to "hide" the cost on these jobs. You will have to edit the dockets with the correct costs afterward.
Make sure to Save.

Please do not adjust anything else on this account as it can compromise the integration.
If you have any questions or queries about this, please email: supplier.feedback@cmacgroup.com