What is This Feature?
Local National Mode is an add-on for iGo that enables your passenger app to be used outside of your iGo coverage area. This allows other iGo Local National enabled operators to offer jobs outside of their area if it is within their iGo coverage area. In addition, you will also receive job offers when customers are booking in your area via another operator's passenger app, which opens up your services to a wider range of customers.
Before you can enable this mode, there are several requirements that you must fulfil:
- Your iGo must be approved and enabled with a configured iGo coverage and wallet.
- You must have set up a passenger app.
- You must have enabled Pay by Card (Judo/Sagepay) in your passenger app.
Once you have met all of these requirements, your system will be ready to enable this feature.
How it Works
A user of Company 'A's' passenger app places a booking for a pickup location that is not covered by the company. The system then identifies a suitable company, Company 'B', that covers the requested pickup location and has iGo Local National mode enabled. The booking is then assigned to Company 'B's system.
The price of the booking is initially reserved against Company 'A's iGo Wallet. Once the job is completed by Company 'B', the reserved amount is transferred to Company 'B's wallet as payment for the job. The payment for the job is made through Company 'A's passenger app payment provider, which is configured in their AppSettings. The payment provider, such as Judo or SagePay, allows the app customer to pay for the job using their card.
Upon completion of the job, Company 'A' receives payment for the booking, which includes the commission charge that is configured in their Judo/SagePay account.
Note: Once this feature is enabled, the passenger app will only use the iGo Coverage area configured by the company, and not the passenger app vendor radius.
For this feature to work, companies must enable Pay By Card in their AppSettings, and their wallets must have sufficient funds available to cover the cost of the work.
This feature is enabled via AppSettings - Passenger App under the Engineer tab (provided the system is already live on iGo).
To activate the feature, the 'Enable Local National Mode' button must be toggled on. Then to ensure the iGo marketplace is connected to the mode, the name of the marketplace must be entered into the 'Market Place Name' textbox. "IGO" Is the marketplace for local national mode.
Your Agent ID must also be added to the IGO marketplace, this has to be done by an iGo engineer, please log a ticket with support requesting this.
Also on the engineer tab, for generating income for your app usage, there are two commission modes to set against iGo Local Nation types of bookings to receive a commission charge once completed by another operator.
Commission Additive: A flat amount per booking.
Commission Percentage: A percentage amount of the total price.
These two settings can be used at the same time.
Note: if you cannot see the Engineer Tab, please send the values you need to iGo Support.
When another company uses your passenger app to complete a job, you receive a commission on top of the original booking price. For instance, if you have set the commission additive to £1, and the original booking price is £10, the other company receives £10 from your wallet for completing the booking, and your Judo/Sage pay receives a payment of £11.
How will the bookings appear on my system?
If you receive a job booked from another company's passenger app, it appears as a <Marketplace> account job on your dispatch screen as an ASAP job. You do not see the jobs allocated to other companies, as this job is sent to their system.
How can I identify these bookings?
The bookings appear as a <Marketplace> account job under the Marketplace app booking source on your global search. On the booking itself, it displays the name of the completing company under 'Completed by' and the booking company under 'Booked by'.
If you're looking for the job booked with another company using your app, it doesn't show on your system, as it's allocated to another company, however, you can see the job as an iGo Wallet transaction on your iGo Wallet via the iGo Portal, but this only shows the Agent Name: (the app the job is placed on) and the Vendor Name: (the operator allocated the job out of area) pickup / destination, customer name, time and the booking id on the vendor's system.
How does the booking appear on my driver's PDA?
These appear like any other iGo jobs under the <Marketplace> account.
How do customers pay for their journeys?
Customers use the payment provider configured on the originator's app settings via card payment, so Sagepay or Judopay.
How am I paid for this work?
If you are the operator completing the booking place on another operator's app, you receive the money into your iGo Wallet.
If you are the operator whose app was used and job undertaken by another operator, you receive the configured commission amount into your Judo/Sagepay account.
To retrieve the funds from your iGo Wallet, you must have a configured iGo Portal. If you require help with this, please raise a ticket with support@igomobility.tech.
What will my price per job be?
All pricing for <Marketplace> app jobs uses your default cash price and cannot be configured as you would a normal account job, for example, assigning tariffs or surcharges to an account. This includes when you receive work from another operator's app.
Can I control these types of bookings?
To control these jobs, you must use Booking Controls for Cab Exchange (CX). However, this affects all CX work.
Alternatively, you can disable the Local National mode in AppSettings.
It is also possible to block specific operators from sending you work and receiving jobs from you.
What is the refund procedure?
When a refund is requested, it is processed by the payment provider of the app from which the job was booked, which could be Judo or Sagepay. So if your customer is booking from your app, but another company is doing the work, your app payment provider will charge the customer, then your iGo Wallet will send a payment for the job to the company allocated the work.
Both parties must agree to the refund, (the two taxi companies) the payment provider initiates the refund process from their sage/judo pay and the customer receives the refund. After that, the funds can be transferred between iGo Wallets.
Can I change my iGo Coverage?
You can view your current coverage on the iGo Portal under My Profile > Coverage. As this is your iGo coverage, this also affects your iGo aggregators under the iGo Marketplace.
For help changing your coverage, please contact our Support team via email: support@igomobility.tech.
Will you provide support post-launch?
Yes, support for post-launch is on hand to help! Please email support@igomobility.tech.