Creating a Zone
Before creating a zone, you must switch to Draft Mode. You will be unable to create any new zones in live mode to prevent any potential issues affecting your live system.
- Firstly if you have not already done so, switch to Draft Mode.
- To create a new zone in your draft, select the Create Bounds tool or use (CTRL + Q). Proceed to click on the map to add the first boundary point. Continue to add points until your zone area is defined. You must connect to your initial point to complete the zone boundary.
- Upon joining up the boundary points, a modal appears in which you enter the zone's Descriptor and Name properties.
- Descriptor: Provide a short name or code for your zone. This name is displayed over your zone on the map and the dispatch screen within Booking & Dispatch. It is important to choose a sensible name that matches your zone area so that your operators can easily understand it.
- Name: Enter the full name of the zone area you are covering. This name appears within the zones screen in Driver Companion and various sections within 365. Again, ensure this name properly conveys the covered area.
- While creating a new zone using the Create Bounds tool, there are several options to select from in the left-hand menu.
- Start Over: Remove any progress you have made on your zone boundary and start the process again.
- Undo Last: Undo the last boundary point you placed on the map.
Enable Snapping: To enable 'Snapping', which is a feature that allows your cursor to automatically attach to nearby zone boundaries, toggle Enable Snapping on. This feature is particularly useful for preventing overlapping or incorrect gaps between zones. To draw your zones freely without the 'Snapping' action, toggle it off.
Snapping Distance: To snap your cursor to the nearest boundary point, you need to be within a certain range. The number in the circle icon indicates this range and can be set from 1 to 5. If you set it to 1, you need to be very close to the point, while setting it to 5 means that you only need to be in the vicinity for the cursor to snap automatically. To change the value, click the Circle with a Number (
) icon.
- Cancel: Select Cancel to end boundary creation and delete any progress.
- To save and complete your zone select Confirm to add your new zone to the map.
- Once you are happy with your configuration, use the Apply Draft To Live button to enter all your changes into your live system.
After this, your operators and drivers can interact with your new zoning.
For information on editing your current zone configuration, use to Next button to navigate to the following article. To return to details on the Zone Maker interface, select Previous for information on the toolbar and the draft settings.