Job Types Tab
In this step, you specify the type of jobs where the tariff should apply. This customisation ensures that the tariff aligns with your service offerings, allowing you to associate the tariff with Corporate and Kickback accounts, providing specialised pricing for these account types.
- Default: This setting defaults to the tariff settings you have in place in your Corporate/Kickback accounts and Phone Credit Card and App Settings in 365 Accounts. For more information see Corporate Accounts - Tariffs. For example, if you have it set, the Variable Tariff Mode is "Use Selected Tariffs Only". In that case, only tariffs that have been specifically defined under the Variable Tariffs setting in 365 Accounts > Accounts > Corporate > Tariffs will apply to this account. However, this can be changed on a per-tariff basis using the 'Variable Tariff Mode' setting under Accounts and Kickback Accounts.
Accounts: Use the Apply to Accounts button to open the modal to assign the tariff to specific customers. Here you can select one or multiple accounts within the list.
- Variable Tariff Mode: This setting changes the selected accounts below to have the tariff mode changed to the option of either "Used Selected Tariffs Only" or "Use Both Default and Selected Tariffs". The tariff mode setting is a per-account setting that is located in 365 Accounts > Accounts > Corporate > Tariffs.
- Kickback Accounts: Use the Apply to Accounts button to open the modal to assign the tariff to specific kickback customers. Here you can select one or multiple accounts within the list. You must also select a Variable Tariff Mode from the two options available.
App Cash: Toggle on this setting to enable Cash bookings on your Passenger App to use this tariff. Note that this option may be unavailable if your settings in 365 Accounts > Settings > Customers > App > App Cash Settings > Tariffs are configured to use only default tariffs.
You cannot enable this option if you have selected 'Use Default Cash & Account Tariffs'. However, if you choose 'Use Selected Tariffs Only', you can specify the tariffs to apply to cash bookings made through the app. Alternatively, 'Use Both Default and Selected Tariffs' applies to default and specified tariffs. If using 'Use Selected Tariffs Only', add the tariff(s) using the dropdown menu for the Variable Tariffs option. -
App Credit Card: Toggle on this setting to enable Credit Card bookings on your Passenger App to use this tariff. Note that this option may be unavailable if your settings in 365 Accounts > Settings > Customers > App > App Credit Card Settings > Tariffs are configured to use only default tariffs.
You cannot enable this option if you have selected 'Use Default Cash & Account Tariffs'. However, if you choose 'Use Selected Tariffs Only', you can specify the tariffs to apply to credit card bookings made through the app. Alternatively, 'Use Both Default and Selected Tariffs' applies to default and specified tariffs. If using 'Use Selected Tariffs Only', add the tariff(s) using the dropdown menu for the Variable Tariffs option. -
Phone Credit Card: Toggle on this setting to enable Credit Card bookings via the Phone to use this tariff. Note that this option may be unavailable if your settings in 365 Accounts > Settings > Customers > Phone Credit Card > Tariffs are configured to use only default tariffs.
You cannot enable this option if you have selected 'Use Default Cash & Account Tariffs'. However, if you choose 'Use Selected Tariffs Only', you can specify the tariffs to apply to credit card bookings made via the phone. Alternatively, 'Use Both Default and Selected Tariffs' applies to default and specified tariffs. If using 'Use Selected Tariffs Only', add the tariff(s) using the dropdown menu for the Variable Tariffs option.