What is Instapay?
Instapay allows your drivers to request and receive the money they've earned via their Driver Companion. Your drivers are given enhanced autonomy over their finances as they no longer need to wait for their earnings to be processed, ultimately resulting in happier drivers.
Through Management, you can configure which drivers can request their earnings, set limits on how much they can withdraw per day, and specify whether they need to maintain a minimum balance to cover their payments.
To use our Instapay feature, you must have a Revolut Business account that supports connecting Business APIs. This is required for you (the operator) and recommended for your drivers to have a Revolut bank account as there is no withdrawal fee and unlimited deposit, but it is not a necessity. For information on setting up an account, see Getting started with Revolut Business.
Your drivers require Android Driver Companion 3.2 or above to be able to use Instapay.
How to Configure
In Management, go to Pricing & Payments > Instapay. Here you will find the main page and the setup wizard.
- On the Instapay screen, select the Enable Instapay button.
- This opens the set up wizard. There are five sections to configure:
Link Account
You must first link your Revolut business bank:
Note: Make sure you have your mobile phone ready as you need to enter a code sent via SMS during these steps.
- Log into to your Revolut business account.
- In the top-left corner, click on your profile icon. Select APIs from the menu.
- Then select Business API.
- Click Add API Certificate (or Add New if you have an existing certificate) and copy the relevant data from each field in Management and paste into the corresponding input fields in Revolut.
Note: Make sure that you copy the entire text for each field. - Click Continue. Copy the ClientID from Revolut and paste it into the corresponding 'Revolut Client ID' input field in Management.
- Select the Link button in Management.
You cannot progress without completing this step as it completes the link between 365 and Revolut. - Go to Revolut and select the Enable Access button.
- Then select the Authorise button.
- For security, a code is sent to your provided phone number. Enter the SMS code sent to your device.
- Return to Management, the Link button should now be red and the text displaying 'Unlink'.
- Click the Next button in the bottom-right-corner to continue.
Bank Details
To use Instapay, you must provide your Revolut business bank account details:
- Upon linking your account to 365 (see the Link Account section above), your details should automatically appear on this screen.
- If your bank details are there, single-click your account details to highlight and select them.
Note: You must choose your main business bank account.
Then press Next to continue and skip the following steps. - If your bank details are not there, click the Add custom bank details banner.
- In the pop-up modal, enter your bank details in the provided fields.
- Once complete, select +Add.
- Single-click on your custom bank details to highlight and select them.
- Press Next to continue.
In this section you set controls of whether your drivers need to maintain a minimum balance and how much your drivers can withdraw per day.
- Driver Minimum Balance: Input the amount your drivers must keep as a minimum in their balance. They cannot withdraw any amount that will bring them below this balance. This can be useful for maintaining your drivers balance for paying rent, for example.
- Driver Maximum Withdrawal Limit (per day): Input the maximum amount a driver can withdraw in a day.
Note: Drivers who do not use a Revolut bank account are subject to a 20p fixed fee per transaction. This statement is highlighted in the Instapay section of Driver Companion for your drivers awareness.
Withdrawal Fees
The Withdrawal Fees section is where you configure whether your drivers can withdraw without charge on a specific day of the week and amend your operator transaction fee per withdrawal.
- Fee Free Day: Optionally, you can select a day of the week where your drivers can withdraw their earnings via Instapay without charge. (If they are NOT using a Revolut bank account, drivers will still be charged the extra 20p for the transaction).
- Operator Transaction Fee: Enter a value smaller or equal to 0.5 that is applied to each transaction as a withdrawal fee. Use the Fee Free Day setting to specify a day where this fee is not incurred.
- Autocab Transaction Fee: The fee set by Autocab for each transaction. Use the Fee Free Day setting to specify a day where this fee is not incurred.
- Total Fee: The total fee per transaction (Operator Transaction Fee + Autocab Transaction Fee).
Additional Info
In Additional Info, you can provide a statement that your drivers can read via the Driver Companion app to provide additional context on Instapay:
To add text:
- Click the Edit button above the textbox.
- Type the information you would like to display to your drivers in the box, or copy and paste our example text:
When you proceed to enable your device to action Instapay you have 3 options:
Link an existing Revolut account
Open a new Revolut account
Link a non-Revolut bank accountYou can change these account details at any time by tapping your profile picture in the left menu.
- Once complete, press the Save button to save your text.
- Click Next to continue.
You can modify your information at any point when retuning to the Additional Info tab and using the Edit button to add, modify and delete text.
The final section, Summary, contains a brief overview of the limits you set and the ability to configure Instapay for all or specific drivers:
- I'll Decide Later: Select this option to leave Instapay disabled and allow you to enable Instapay at a later time.
- All Drivers: Select this option to enable Instapay on your system and allow all drivers to use this feature.
- Specific Drivers: Select this option to enable Instapay only for the drivers you select via the dropdown menu.
Once happy with your settings, select the Finish button to apply your configuration.
Now, depending on the setting selected above, Instapay is either active or inactive, but readily configured, on your system.
At any point you can use the following settings to quickly adjust your Instapay configuration:
Edit Configuration: Modify your Instapay settings by selecting this button and making your way through the setup wizard.
Enabled: Enable or disable Instapay on your system via this toggle. This is useful if you need to quickly disable Instapay at any point.
Enable for all Drivers: If you have configured your system using the "I'll Decide Later" option or chosen specific drivers, you can use this button to quickly and easily toggle on Instapay for all your drivers.