Release Date: July 2024
Here you will find the latest maintenance update for Phantom.
To ensure you have the best experience using Phantom, we recommend always updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you within Phantom will depend on your company's configuration of Phantom and the current version you're using.
Bermuda Number Translation
We have added a translation locale for the Bermuda number.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Issue where emails could be sent out even if there is no 'From Address' set up in SMTP settings.
- Fixed: Issue where previously routing withheld callers required to be prepended by ' _ ' (Underscore symbol).
- Fixed: Issue where linked call recordings were not showing in the correct chronological order when the call is parked.
- Fixed: Issue preventing additional button maps from being created.
- Fixed: Issue where third-party IVR calls did not correctly failover to a secondary trunk if one was available.
- Fixed: Issue where the agent cannot enter their number while the TTS prompt for agent login is playing. This includes the issue where the timeout for entering dtmf on agent passcodes is too short.