What is Customer Transactions?
The Customer Transactions section is where you can pay off your invoices and issue any credit notes that need to be issued to your account customers.
Filtering the Records
Upon opening the Customer Transactions section, you are prompted to fill out the provided options to filter the records.
You can filter the data with the following options:
- From: Select a starting date of the date range in which to fetch the invoices.
- To: Select the end date of the date range in which to fetch the invoices.
- Account: Use the dropdown menu to select a customer Account to only show Invoices for the specified account. Leave this option empty to show invoices for all customer accounts.
- Invoice Number: Input a invoice number to search for a specific record.
- Credit Note Number: Input a credit note number to search for a specific record.
- Companies: (Only available in multicompany systems) Use the dropdown menu to select a Company or multiple to only show Invoices completed by the selected company.
Select the Search button to then filter your data and then Master Invoicing table is populated based on your filter criteria.
To change your filter at any point, select the 'F Filters' button located on the bottom shortcuts bar or press the 'F' key.
Using Shortcuts
Click here to view the shortcuts:
Shortcut Key | Action |
C |
Credit a customer if there is an issue with the invoice amount |
D |
Debit a customer by increasing the amount owed on the invoice |
Enter |
View the currently highlighted credit note |
F |
Opens the filter modal |
F5 |
Opens a sub-menu where you can quickly export your credit note, statements and export to Sage |
I |
Issue a full or partial credit note for a customer invoice |
P |
Opens a modal where you can configure the options to pay off an invoice |
T |
Opens a modal where you can view your payment transactions |
F1 | Opens a sub-menu where you can quickly switch between sections of the Job Processor |
F2 | Opens the Downloads modal where you save your downloads to your file explorer |
F3 | Opens a sub-menu where you can access Reports for different sections such as Driver Shifts, Booking Totals, Profit Analysis, etc. |
F4 | Opens a sub-menu where you can access records for various sections such as customers, drivers, tax rates, etc. |
CTRL + S | Opens the Global Search modal where you can search across your system for bookings using several options to tailor your search criteria |
CTRL + / | Access the Settings menu where you can adjust the app configuration, notifications and reset elements of the system |
ALT + , | View the driver details of the selected invoice |
ALT + . | View the vehicle details of the selected invoice |
Crediting/Debiting an Invoice
If there is an issue with an invoice amount, whether it's an overpayment or underpayment by the customer, you can credit or debit any invoices in the Customer Transactions section.
To credit an invoice:
- Navigate to the invoice you want to credit.
- Press the 'C' key or use the Credit button.
- In the Credit popup, configure the following options:
- Amount: Provide the amount you would like to credit the invoice with.
- Adjustment Reason: (Optional) Add a short line of text stating the reason for the adjustment to the invoice. Depending on your configuration, the adjustment reason appears as a column in the Customer Transactions table.
- Description: (Optional) Add a description for what you are creating, for example, 'Crediting Invoice Number 66'. Depending on your configuration, the description appears as a column in the Customer Transactions table.
- Press Credit to adjust the invoice with the inputted amount, which then appears as a new row in table.
To debit an invoice:
- Navigate to the invoice you want to debit.
- Press the 'D' key or use the Debit button.
- Follow the same steps above but configure the options for debiting a customer instead.
- Press Debit to adjust the invoice with the provided amount, which then appears as a new row in the table.
Issuing a Credit Note
In the event you need to change an invoice after it has been paid, you can issue a credit note to your customers or drivers to reimburse their account.
To issue a credit note:
- Locate the invoice you want to reimburse.
- Press the 'I' key or use the Issue Credit Note button.
- In the popup, press '1' to issue a full credit note which reimburses the full amount of the invoice or '2' to issue a partial credit note where you specify the amount.
- For full credit notes:
- Select an option from the dropdown menu (configured in ) or free type an Adjustment Reason for the credit note.
- Click Issue Credit Note to apply once an adjustment reason is selected.
- Select an option from the dropdown menu (configured in ) or free type an Adjustment Reason for the credit note.
- For partial credit notes:
- Select the dockets for the partial credit note using the up and down arrows to navigate and press the Space bar to select. You cannot select any ineligible dockets that are greyed out.
- Press the End key to confirm your selection.
- Enter the amount to credit the account with.
- Provide an adjustment reason by selecting an option from the dropdown menu or free type.
- Click Issue Credit Note to apply.
After creating a credit note, you can view the customer docket it is applied to by navigating to the credit note in the table and pressing the Enter key.
Paying an Invoice
To pay an invoice:
- Navigate to the invoice you want to pay.
- Press the 'P' key or click the Pay Invoice button.
- Fill out the following options:
- Type: Select whether to pay the invoice in full or a partial payment.
- Amount: (Only available if selected a Partial for the type) Input the amount you want to pay.
- Pay By Credit: Check the box to use the account's credit to pay for the invoice. If the invoice amount is larger than what is available in the account's credit, then the account goes into negative balance.
- Payment Date: Select the date in which to pay the invoice.
- Payment Method: Use the dropdown menu to select the type of payment method to pay the invoice.
- Payment Details: Input a description for the payment for the benefit of all users of the system.
- Once configured, press the Pay button.
If you attempt to pay an invoice that has already been paid in full, a message popups alerting you to it.
Downloading a Credit Note
To download your credit note:
- Locate the credit note to download.
- Press 'F5' followed by '1' or click the Download Credit Note button.
- A popup appears asking if you want to also send an email copy to your customer, press 'Y' or Yes or 'N' for no.
If you opted to send an email copy, this is automatically sent to the relevant account customer email address. - The credit note in PDF format downloads straight to your device. Use your file explorer to open the file in your Downloads folder.
Downloading Your Statements
To download your statements:
- Press 'F5' followed by '2' or click the Download Statements button.
- In the popup, configure the following options:
- From: Select the starting date of the range to gather statements created between.
- To: Select the ending date of the range to gather statements created between.
- Download Type: Choose whether to download statements from All applicable customer accounts or a Single customer account.
- Account: (Only available if the Download Type is set to Single) Use the dropdown menu to select which account to download statements for.
- Your statements then begin a background download process. To view your statements, click the Downloads (
) icon in the bottom bar and double-click on the Customer Transactions Statements to download it to your device.
- In your file explorer, open the zipped file to view your statements in PDF format.