Fare Tab
In the Fare section, you define the pricing structure for the tariff, primarily based on the distance travelled and waiting time. You can create multiple fare stages to accommodate different pricing tiers or stages.
This fare structure is highly customisable, allowing you to adjust rates based on capabilities. For example, you can set different rates for standard cars, 6-seaters, estate and other vehicle types.
To save time and maintain consistency across tariffs, you have the option to save the fare structure as a template for reuse with other tariffs.
Template: Apply a pre-existing template to control the tariff settings and pricing.
- Variable Fare Template: Use the dropdown menu to select an existing variable fare template. For more information, see Variable Fares Templates.
Custom: Select to define custom fare rules for your tariff.
- Save As Template: Save your custom tariff rates as a new Variable Fare Template, which can be applied to different variable tariffs.
When creating custom fare rules for your template, you must configure the tariff rates:
- Use the Fare Builder to adjust the tariff rates:
Yellow: Minimum and maximum values for the tariff
Green: Fare stages of the tariff.
Blue: Waiting time stages for the tariff. - For example, if you wanted to set up a tariff starting at £5 with the first 2 miles free, and charging £2 after the first 2 miles, you would set this up as follows:
Note: A new tariff block will appear underneath the default blocks when you enter a value into the To (mi) or To (mins) fields. - To cap your tariff off at a maximum charge, enter a value in the Max Cost and Max Price boxes. You can leave these options blank if you do not want a maximum charge set.
- Check the fare breakdown in the right-hand table. As you can see from our example the cost and price increase by £2 after the second mile:
- At this point, you can configure which capability the fare applies to or leave it to automatically apply to the default capability. If adding capability charges, move to the next step. If not, save your template by clicking the Create button.
- To change which capability the fare applies to click on Add Capability.
- Select a capability or multiple from the list and click Confirm. You can use to (+) All button to add all capabilities within the list.
- Then click I'm Sure to clone the fare to each capability.
The fare breakdown table then updates with the added capabilities. - To change the fare for each capability added click on Capability Tariff and select a capability from the dropdown menu.
- Then edit the fare builder to update the fare for the selected capability.
Other options you can configure include the following:
- System Tariff: Set a meter tariff that is sent to a driver if a job is dispatched that matches the tariff settings.
- Same Cost & Price: Enable to only enter the Price of your tariff stages and any capability charges. The 'Cost' field is hidden and mirrors what is entered in the 'Price' field.