Zone Charges Tab
Use this section to add templates if you have any specific locations where additional charges apply, such as tolls, congestion zones or charges for entering certain zones.
When a variable tariff specifies a pricing zone template, you can also apply additional settings to add an out-of-area charge for a further distance if the route goes outside the pricing zones to compensate your drivers for this.
In this section, there are three options you can configure:
- Charging Zones Template: Select a Charging Zones template to apply to this tariff where you can add charges to zones with tolls, emission fees, congestion charges or other fees. For more information on creating a template, see Creating Charging Zones.
- Pricing Zones Group: Select a Pricing Zone template to apply to this tariff where you can set different prices when entering each zone and apply to bookings that match this tariff. For more information on creating a template, see Creating Pricing Zones.
- Out of Area Dead Mileage Compensation (Round Robin): Toggle on to enable dead mileage compensation for your drivers. Click on the bold underlined text to alter the compensation terms. Note that this option is not visible if the 'Ghost Meter Tariff Mode' in 365 Management > Drivers / Vehicles > Driver Companion > Global Settings > Pricing > Autocab Internal Meter is set to 'Progressive Tariffing'.