Test and Set Live Tab
The final step in creating a variable tariff is the Test and Set Live section where you can review the tariff's settings and configuration.
Your tariff is not active on your system until you explicitly set it live, allowing you to fine-tune any aspects of the tariff and ensure that everything is correctly configured before it goes into effect.
How to Test Your Tariff
To test your tariff, enter a pickup and destination that coincide with the settings of your tariff. If Via's, Account information, Capabilities or Passengers are required to meet the conditions of the tariff, fill out those fields as well. Once you have filled out these details, press the green Test Tariff button.
A tariff breakdown appears at the side of the screen showing what the totals would be for that booking.
For example in the image above, the tariff charges a pickup fee of £10, with an additional £5 for Via's along the way. The fare is rounded up to the nearest 50p. The base fare for the pickup is £5, with a rate of £2.50 for up to 3 miles and an additional £2.50 for every extra mile thereafter, resulting in a total of £20.00.
Setting Your Tariff Live
If you are ready to set your tariff live, use the date field to input the date and time for it to become active. The field automatically populates with the current date and time. Use the Calendar () and Clock (
) icons to adjust the date and time respectively.
If you do not want to set your tariff live currently, use the Cross in a Circle () icon to remove the date and time from the field.
Regardless of whether you are setting your tariff live or leaving it inactive, you must press the +Create button in the bottom-right corner to save and finish the creation of your tariff.
Once you have created your tariff, you can make changes by double-clicking on it from the list on the Variable Tariffs page and applying your edits.