Time & Location Tab
You can restrict your tariff to apply only when certain conditions are met, including certain locations, times or passenger numbers.
Specific Route
You can define specific routes or geographic areas where the tariff is applicable, useful for situations like airport transfers or special event zones, for example.
- Pickup: Select a location for a specific pickup where the tariff may apply, for example, a train station taxi rank. Upon selecting each of the pickup types, different fields are displayed for the user to specify the location.
- Destination: Select a location for a specific destination where the tariff may apply. Upon selecting each of the pickup types, different fields are displayed for the user to specify the location.
Pickup/Destination Types
Use the options here to specify whether particular pickup and drop-off locations should be applied to the tariff settings upon booking.
- Any: This tariff applies to any pickup/destination entered.
- Freetype: When freetyping a location, you must enter a location name in the Pickup/Destination Location field, followed by searching for the specific location using the Near To field. In this field, the system searches for addresses containing the location within a radius of this address. The system uses the 'Radius to Match Pricing Rule' value in Pricing Calculation to define the search radius.
- Full address: You can enter and search for an address in this field. The system uses this tariff if a customer books a journey that matches the pickup/destination address here.
- Group: Select an Address Group from the dropdown menu where the tariff applies if a customer books a journey including a pickup/destination that matches any address in said group. You must have at least one group configured in Address Groups for the list to be populated.
- Postcode: Enter a postcode. Bookings with a pickup/destination address that matches this postcode will use this tariff. You can also specify partial postcodes.
- Town: Enter the name of the town and any bookings that match this town in the pickup/destination will use this tariff.
- Zone: Select a zone from the dropdown list and any bookings that have a pickup/destination within this zone will use this tariff.
- As Directed: Only applies to a Destination. The passenger does not provide a designated destination and instead directs the driver to their destination.
- Reverse Also Matches: Toggle on to allow the pickup and destination to be swapped and the tariff still applies.
Specific Times
You can set specific dates and times to refine when the tariff takes effect. For example, for applying different rates during rush hours or popular holidays.
Schedule Template: Use the dropdown menu to select a pre-existing Schedule Template that defines the dates and times in which the tariff takes effect. For information on creating a Scheduler Template, see Scheduler.
Custom Schedule: When selecting the Custom option, a table appears with a predefined schedule of "Include: Every Day Midnight to Midnight". You can modify this schedule by double-clicking on the text, or add a new additional schedule by selecting the Add Additional Schedule button.
When adding or editing the schedule, there are multiple options where can configure how often and when your tariff will be active.- Include/Exclude: Select the option to either Include your selected Schedule in this tariff or specify a schedule that will be excluded from the tariff. (Only available when adding a new schedule, not when editing the predefined "Include: Every Day Midnight to Midnight")
Schedule: Use the options here to configure the schedule to which your tariff adheres.
- Every Day: The tariff applies every day at the time schedule specified.
- Weekly: Select which days of the week under the During setting to specify which days the tariff applies to.
Monthly: When selecting monthly, you have two options to choose from:
- Day of Month: Select a specific day of the month (1-31) where this tariff will apply. If the current month does not have the specified number of days (e.g. 31) then this tariff will not apply during these months.
- Day In Month: Select a specific type of day in the month where this tariff will apply, e.g. every second Saturday of each month.
Yearly: When selecting Yearly, you have three options to choose from:
- From: Select a starting date and an ending date in which your tariff will apply during these dates.
- On: Select a specific type of day in the month, e.g. the third Friday and select the Month in which this tariff will apply. For example, the second Tuesday of February.
- During: Select a month (or multiple) where your tariff will apply every single day during your selected month(s). You can quickly select all months of the year by clicking the All button at the bottom of the modal.
- Once: Select a date from and to where your tariff will apply, then not reoccur. You can use the calendar button to easily select the Month and Year, allowing you to easily define a long date range if required.
Time Schedule: Here you have two options to set your tariff to:
- Midnight to Midnight: Select to apply your tariff all day (24 hours) non-stop during the schedule you have configured.
- Daily Time Range: Select a time range using the time picker so that your tariff will apply to the bookings with a pickup due time between the times specified here.
Specific Ranges
You can restrict your tariff based on how many people are in the vehicle, how much luggage is required and the priority of the booking.
Passenger Range: Enable so that this tariff only applies to bookings within the passenger range set here.
- From: Enter a numerical value of the lower band of passengers in the vehicle of when the tariff will apply, e.g. you may charge extra for 8 or more passengers.
- To: Enter a numerical value of the higher band of passengers in the vehicle of when the tariff will apply.
Luggage Range: Enable so that this tariff only applies to bookings with luggage within the range set here.
- From: Enter a numerical value of the lower band of luggage in the vehicle of when the tariff will apply.
- To: Enter a numerical value of the higher band of luggage in the vehicle of when the tariff will apply.
Priority Range: Enable so that this tariff only applies to bookings with a priority within the range set here.
- From: Enter a numerical value of the lower band of booking priority of when the tariff will apply.
- To: Enter a numerical value of the higher band of booking priority of when the tariff will apply.