Settings Tab
The Settings section lets you configure any additional charges, discounts, or special conditions that should be applied to the tariff. These settings can vary based on the specifics of your pricing strategy.
In this tab, you have the option to save your settings as a template for future use, streamlining the tariff creation process.
Ghost Pricing
Ghost Pricing Meter Manual Waiting Time: Select which method the meter charges passengers for time waited by their driver:
- Use global setting: Use the option that is set in Global Settings - Pricing.
- Off: Disables passengers being charged for waiting time.
- On: Enables manual waiting time pricing via the Ghost Meter.
Applies to Docket Source
Applies to Docket Source: Enabling any of the settings in this section results in this pricing rule eligible to be used for each of the booking types below that are enabled.
- Cancelled Booking: If enabled, then this tariff can be used to charge a passenger for a cancellation. For example, if creating a Cancellation Fees tariff, then this system would allow this charge to occur upon a passenger cancelling their booking.
- Completed Booking: If enabled, then this tariff can be used on a completed booking. Typically this setting would be enabled for most of your tariffs. However, you must ensure that other tariffs do not override one another as this may result in unexpected charges.
- No Fare Booking: If enabled, then this tariff can be used to charge a passenger for when a driver no fares a booking. This is useful for any routes or schedules that may experience a high amount of no fare bookings.
The following two settings require you to enable 'Cancelled Booking' under Applies to Docket Source to function correctly:
- Free Cancellation Minutes: Enter a value of the number of minutes the passenger has available to cancel their booking before they incur a fee for cancelling.
- Lateness Tolerance (Mins): Set the number of minutes a booking can be late by or more so that the passenger will not be charged for a cancellation or no fare.
Template Fare Settings
Template: When selecting the Template setting, you can select a template from your existing templates.
- Fare Settings Template: Use the dropdown menu to select an existing Fare Settings template. To create and modify these templates, see Fare Settings for more information.
Custom Fare Settings
Custom: If selecting Custom, all the settings for creating a fare settings template become available. You can also save your configuration as a template using the Save As Template button.
Custom Fare Settings Template: Use the following settings to customise your fare settings.
- Force Posting to Accounts: Toggle on to enforce that any cash booking that uses this tariff is automatically posted into the job processor.
- Same Cost & Price: When enabled, you only have to enter the 'Price' of your tariff stages and capability charges. The 'Cost' field is hidden and mirrors what is in the 'Price' field.
- Fixed Estimated Price: If enabled, the estimate shown on the booking screen for any job using this tariff will be fixed and cannot change.
- Can Use More Expensive Variable Tariff: If enabled, bookings using this tariff are able to use a more expensive variable tariff if one exists.
Extra Charges
Extra Charges: Configure additional fees and charges for bookings using your tariff.
- Booking Fee: Use the dropdown menu to select a Booking Fee. If a booking fee is added here, then any booking using this tariff will have this booking fee applied. To create a booking fee, see Fees for more information. Ensure to set the Category as 'Booking Fee' for it to appear in this dropdown menu.
- Surge Pricing Type: Select the Surge Pricing Type to be applied to bookings using this tariff. By default, this is set to Standard.
- Cash Account Fee: Use the dropdown menu to select a Cash Account Fee. If a fee is added here, then only bookings made on a cash account using this tariff will have this fee applied. To create a cash account fee, see Fees for further information. Ensure to set the Category as 'Kickback Fee' for it to appear in this dropdown menu.
- Driver Commission Fee: Use the dropdown menu to select additional fees to be applied as commission to drivers accepting bookings using this tariff. To create a driver commission fee, see Fees for more information. Ensure to set the Category as 'Driver Commission' for it to appear in this dropdown menu.
- Service Charge Fee: Choose a Service Charge Fee from the dropdown menu to add additional fees to be applied to bookings using this tariff. Create Service Charge Fees in the Fees section of 365 Management. Ensure to set the Category as 'Service Charge' for it to appear in this dropdown menu.
- Default Tax Rate: Use the dropdown menu to select a Tax Rate. If a rate is added here, then bookings made using this tariff will use this tax rate as the default rate. To create a tax rate, see Tax Rates for more information.
Extras Tax Rate
Extras Tax Rate: These options allow extras to be charged at a different VAT rate than the job itself.
- None: Disables this setting and no extras are charged at a different VAT.
- Use Default: Uses the default Tax Rate set in 365 Accounts > Settings > Customers > Corporate > Job Processing > Extra Cost Tax Rate.
- Custom: Allows you to select an Extras Tax Rate from the dropdown menu. To create an 'Extras Tax Rate', see Tax Rates for more information.
Per Via & Rounding Charges
- Per Via Charge (Cost): Only visible if Same Cost & Price under Custom Fare Settings Template is disabled. Set a fixed cost that a driver will receive per each added via on the booking.
- Per Via Charge (Price): Set a fixed price so that customers who book a job that uses this tariff are charged for each via added.
- Round Money Up To Nearest: Set a value for the system to round money to the nearest pound or pence. For instance, if set to 0.10, a booking estimated at £10.06 would round up to £10.10.
- Round Distance Up To Nearest: Set a value for the system to round distance to the nearest decimal value. For example, if set to 0.10, a booking with a distance of 5.47km would round up to 5.50km.
Capability Charges
Capability Charges: In this section, you can select a template or customise your settings that control whether a charge is added depending on the capability selected for the booking.
- Enable Capability Charges: Toggle on to set fixed charges against job capabilities. For example, the tariff could be your standard rate but an 'Estate' price might be a fixed £3 extra. Disabling this setting stops charges from applying to capabilities.
Template: Use this setting to select a pre-existing template for the charges.
- Capability Charge Template: Use the dropdown menu to select a Capability Charge Template. To create a template, see Capability Charges for more information.
Custom: Use this setting to configure a custom capability charge.
Capability Charges: Select this button to open the Add Fare Template Capability Charge modal.
Here you can configure the settings of the template, which include:
- Capability: Use the dropdown menu to select a capability that the settings in this template will apply to.
- Cost Is Commissionable: Enable to charge drivers a commission for this extra charge.
- Price: Enter an extra price charge that a customer would pay for a booking using the selected capability.
- Cost: Enter an extra cost charge that a customer would pay for a booking using the selected capability.
Capability Charges: Select this button to open the Add Fare Template Capability Charge modal.
Charge for Prebooking
Charge for Prebooking: This setting controls whether an additional fee or a discount is applied if a job is prebooked matching this tariff.
- None: Disables the feature and no additional fee or discount is applied to prebookings.
- Uplift: An additional fee is added to the total price as a charge to the customer for prebooking.
- Discount: A discount is applied to the total price to the customer for prebooking.
- Charge for Prebooking (Price): If a booking matching this tariff is made in advance, then the value here is added to the total price as a charge or a discount to the passenger for prebooking the journey.
- Charge for Prebooking (Cost): If a booking matching this tariff is made in advance, then the value here is added to the total cost for the driver.
Wait and Return Discount
Wait and Return Discount: This option determines if the fare will include a discount for round-trip bookings where the passenger asks the driver to wait at the destination and return to the original pickup location.
- None: Disables this feature and no discount is added for round-trip bookings.
- Amount: The discount applied is a fixed amount.
Percentage: The discount applied is a percentage of the booking cost.
- If Distance More Than: If the distance is more than the value entered here the booking discount will be applied.
- Discount Amount (Price): Set the price the customer will be discounted if their wait and return booking matches this tariff.
- Discount Amount (Cost): Set the cost the driver will receive if they complete a wait and return booking that matches this tariff.
Return Journey Discount
Return Journey Discount: This setting controls whether a discount is applied if a customer books a return journey that matches the tariff.
- None: Disables this feature and no discount is applied for return journey bookings.
- Amount: The discount applied is a fixed amount.
Percentage: The discount applied is a percentage of the booking cost.
- If Distance More Than: If the distance is more than the given amount the booking discount will be applied.
Whole Journey: The amount or percentage will discount the final price of the whole journey (outbound and return).
- Discount Amount (Price): Set the price the customer will be discounted if their return booking matches this tariff.
- Discount Amount (Cost): Set the cost the driver will receive if they complete a return booking that matches this tariff.
Specific: The amount or percentage will discount the final price of the outbound or return journey.
- Outbound Discount (Price): Set the price the customer will be discounted if the outbound section of their return journey booking matches this tariff.
- Outbound Discount (Cost): Set the cost the driver will receive if they complete the outbound section of a return booking that matches this tariff.
- Return Discount (Price): Set the price the customer will be discounted if the return section of their return journey booking matches this tariff.
- Return Discount (Cost): Set the cost the driver will receive if they complete the return section of a return booking that matches this tariff.