Release Date: November 2024
Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for the 365 Management.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of the 365 Management you're using.
What's New
Introducing Instapay, our latest feature that allows your drivers to request and receive the money they've earned instantly via Driver Companion!
Instapay eliminates the long wait for their earnings to be processed, allowing your drivers to manage their finances more effectively, resulting in happier drivers. Through Management, you can configure which drivers can request their earnings, set limits on how much they can withdraw per day, and specify whether they need to maintain a minimum balance to cover their payments.
If you are interested in using Instapay, please contact our Sales team ( for more information.
For instructions on configuring Instapay and further information, see our Instapay - 365 Management article.
Drivers require Android Driver Companion 3.2+ to use Instapay. For more information about Instapay on the driver side refer to Instapay - Driver Companion.
Note: To use Instapay, you must have a Revolut business account. See the article linked above for further details.
Driver Earnings Report
New settings have been added to the Driver Sheet Summary Exports, allowing for a 'Line Per Driver' format therefore each driver's earnings can now appear on a single line in the export, rather than requiring a separate line for each sheet. Additionally, there are new fields in the Advanced Columns section to complement this feature.
These updates enable you to generate an export that shows total driver earnings over a specified date range, with one line per driver. This format makes it easier to read the data, especially when preparing annual earnings reports to send to third parties.
How to Use:
- Go to Job Processor > Driver/Vehicles > Driver Sheet History.
- Click 'Export Sheet Summary All' and set the date ranges.
- Click the 'Advanced' option for the Columns setting and use the Advanced Columns button to check all columns required on the export. Some new columns have been added, including Date of Birth, National Insurance Number, Driver Address, and Bank Account Details.
- Check the 'Single Line Totals' option to ensure the export generates one line per driver.
- Press the Export button.
Along with this feature, Bulk Cash Import as part of B&D allows you to bulk import cash dockets so that cash bookings are included in the export of driver earnings.
Booking Receipt Support
We have added support for booking receipts to be automatically and manually sent via Booking & Dispatch. Automatic emails can be sent when a job is booked and completed, and manually sent using the CTRL + F8 shortcut when viewing/editing an existing booking in B&D.
How to Configure:
- Go to Management > Passengers > Passenger Communications > Email.
- Here you can add or edit an email template.
- On the Details tab, there is a new field for multi-company settings where you can set a company against a template. Optionally, you can configure email templates per company with a PDF attachment. The PDF attachment on an email template is one created in the Ghost Windows template editor. Any template that is set to 'All Companies' can be accessed by all companies via the CTRL + F8 screen on B&D.
Then you can choose whether to automatically send booking receipts or do it manually through Booking & Dispatch.
For automatic sending of booking receipts:
- Go to Management > Passengers > Passenger Communications > Email.
- Under the Email tab, there are two options 'Send for Passenger' and 'Send for Account'. These toggles control if the email is sent automatically on Job Booked and Job Completed.
- To send a Ghost Windows template (created in Ghost Windows template editor) the email template must have a PDF attachment added to it. Use the dropdown menu to select a template for the 'Send PDF Template'.
Note: The subject and body can only be edited using CTRL + F8 in B&D if the email template being sent has a PDF attachment. If it does not, we assume that the Subject and Body added in the email template contain the receipt details and do not need to be edited. - Ensure to press Save to apply your changes.
Going forward, your booking receipts are automatically sent to Passengers and Accounts customers. With these settings enabled, you can still manually send your templates, if needed.
For manual sending of booking receipts:
- In the Email tab of Passengers > Passenger Communications > Email, leave the 'Send for Passenger' and 'Send for Account' options toggled OFF.
- See Step 3 in the instructions above for information on sending a PDF template.
- In Booking & Dispatch, open a booking you would like to send a receipt for.
- Press CTRL + F8 to open the Send Booking Receipt modal.
- Input an email address in the 'To' field.
- Use the new setting, 'Email Template' to select an existing Email Template using the dropdown menu, or leave it as the default template.
- Press OK to send the receipt.
For further information see Sending Booking Receipts.
Accounts migration to Management
365 Accounts settings have been migrated to Management and now exist in a new section called Accounts.
With the relocation to Management, you now have easy access to your account settings and a better experience with the new Job Processor (Beta).
Applying Charging Areas to Group Transactions
You can now control whether drivers are reimbursed for charges associated with zones such as tolls, congestion and clean air zones and which drivers are charged for them.
Drivers assigned to a transaction group with charging areas added will see charges on their driver sheet for any charging area sets they went through for bookings.
Charging zone sets may have multiple zones within, but the driver sheet will show one charge per set, meaning the driver can see separate charges for Congestion Zones, Tolls, and Emission Zones.
How to Configure:
- In 365 Management go to Accounts > Account Settings > Driver & Vehicle > Group Transactions.
- Within a Group Transaction, go to the Charges tab.
- Use the 'Charging Area Sets Deducted from Driver' setting to add charging area sets to charge drivers for driving through.
Add-Ons Groups: Force Shout Settings
We have replaced existing settings, 'Force Shout Fare Mode' and 'Variable Tariffs Override Shout Mode' in global settings with 'Price Mode for Account' and 'Price Mode for Cash' which can be set to the following:
- Shout Fare - If set to 'Shout Fare' then the fare is shouted from the meter, if there is one enabled. Otherwise, it is shouted by the driver for Account work. If set to 'Use estimate' then the fare comes from the variable tariff used on the booking. Anything that is shouted is overridden by the 'use estimate' setting. This is equivalent to Force Shout ON and Variable Tariffs Override Shout OFF.
- Use Estimate - If set to 'Shout Fare' then the fare is shouted from the meter, if there is one enabled. Otherwise, it is shouted by the driver for Cash work. If set to 'Use estimate' then the fare comes from the variable tariff used on this booking. Anything that is shouted is overridden by the 'Use estimate' setting. This is equivalent to Force Shout OFF and Variable Tariffs Override Shout ON.
Adding these settings to Add-On Groups now means you can set your fares to be shouted from a meter or from the tariff used by the system, benefiting fleets that have both private hire and hackney vehicles.
Driver Docs Upload: Add/Edit Licences
You can now add new licences in Global Settings > Documents and also edit existing ones which are now reflected in Driver Companion. Giving you greater flexibility over what documents you need to collect from your drivers.
Any new or updated licences appear in the Driver/Vehicles > Details > Licences tab.
Customer ID and Product Version
The customer ID and product version number are now visible from within Management by clicking the System Details () icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
Incentives: Remaining Challenge Time
In Driver Details, the Ongoing Challenges section now shows the remaining time left on the driver's challenges from the point they started it.
Sage Settings: Nominal Reference Field Update
Under Autopay > Sage in Driver details, you can now save the nominal reference field with input that includes leading 0s in the Account and Payment Card Settings.
Booking Recipes: Default Enabled Toggle
When a recipe is first created, the 'Enabled' toggle is now on by default. When attempting to use a disabled recipe, an alert now appears stating that it cannot be used. This also occurs when trying to disable a recipe currently used by features.
Add and Remove Incentives from Drivers
We have added two new permissions to allow permitted accounts to manually add or remove incentive rewards from drivers. You can add these permissions in Management > General Settings > Users > Roles - Edit Role > Driver Incentives.
System Warnings Improvements
We have changed the System Warning message for when only drivers OR vehicles have missing information to clarify where the issue lies within your system.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Issue where you cannot remove the pricing zone group from a zone-to-zone matrix.
- Fixed: Issue affecting the zones matrix table in a zone-to-zone template does not reset back to the correct number of rows upon removing a pricing zone group template, resulting in some company zones not appearing.
- Fixed: Issue where the wrong text appears when selecting a 'Promo Code Usage' mode in Loyalty - Promos.
- Fixed: Issue where pressing the 'Send Test Email' button with an invalid email switches the company state to deactivated.
- Fixed: Issue where the 'Affects Account Bookings' section loads with a "{{Max}}" tag before changing to the max number of accounts upon every first instance of opening a wall scenario.
- Fixed: Issue where the loyalty transaction table in Loyalty - Reward Codes displays a currency symbol when the reward is in points.
- Fixed: Issue where the list of accounts is empty in Booking Tags, The Wall and when configuring Master accounts.
Minimum Requirements
To ensure Autocab 365 operates and performs as designed, please make sure that your device meets the requirements listed below:
- Operating System: Windows 10 or newer
- Processor: AMD 3600 or better, Intel i5 10th gen or better
- Storage: Solid State Drive (SSD) or Non-volatile Memory express
- RAM: 8GB RAM (16GB recommended)
- Google Chrome Web Browser
- Internet Connection