Release Date: November 2024
Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for 365 Booking & Dispatch.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of 365 Booking & Dispatch you're using.
What's New
Bulk Cash Import
You can now bulk import cash dockets in Booking & Dispatch via Global Search by pressing the shortcut key CTRL + Insert.
After specifying a date range, a background task to search for archived cash booking begins and creates dockets for each one. This feature goes hand-in-hand with the new Driver Earnings export so cash bookings are included in the export of driver earnings.
Shortcuts to Reply/Dismiss Messages
We have added two new shortcut keys, CTRL + R and CTRL + D where you can reply or dismiss a message.
These shortcuts can also be used on the Dispatch screen, for quick and efficient use of replying and dismissing messages.
Booking Form & FOB Driver Status Enhancements
We have added some enhancements to speed up the allocation of bookings by dispatchers on Booking & Dispatch, including:
- Adding the shortcut CTRL + Q to query a driver for the highlighted vehicle on booking form vehicles list.
- Adding the shortcut CTRL + ; to bring up the Vehicle Commands for the highlighted driver on the booking form vehicles list.
- Ability to single-click on a callsign to bring up the vehicle commands list from the booking form vehicle list and map.
- Adding a yellow-orange background colour to driver callsigns to indicate that the drivers have a Follow On Booking assigned.
Manual Shout: Docket Number Field
When manually shouting a fare using a driver number and the 'A' key, there is a new field on the Shout Fare modal where you can add a docket number. Therefore the operator can add a docket number manually whenever required.
Renaming 'Dispatch Vehicle (Manual)'
When right-clicking on an active booking, there is a setting called 'Dispatch Vehicle (Manual)'. For better clarity on what this setting achieves, we have renamed this setting to 'Allocate Vehicle (Manual)' and added a note with details on how it works.
Gratuity Settings
We have added two fields on the booking screen to achieve parity with Ghost Windows which include 'Gratuity Setting Value' and 'Gratuity Setting Type'.
Notification History Improvements
We have made a number of changes to Notification History to improve the user experience:
- Notification History is now full-screen.
- Text messages from passengers who had not left feedback were appearing in the history, these no longer appear.
- 'Anonymous' is now only used if there is no passenger number.
- Adjusted the UI so it is clearer which messages are outbound or inbound.
- The issue where a large book icon would appear behind text messages has been rectified.
Drivers '.' & Vehicles ',' Search Enhancement
When using the Full stop or Comma shortcut keys to search for drivers and vehicles, the filter box is focused on with no input within so you can type to filter your search straight away.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Issue where the Cancel Booking command is missing from the menu when right-clicking on a booking.
- Fixed: Issue where the Active Bookings table disappears when filtering a company on the maps view.
- Fixed: Issue when a repeat booking with a dispatch due time override is set, upon editing any of the repeat bookings after the initial booking, the dispatch due time shows the incorrect day.
- Fixed: Issue where the Gratuity Value is not applied correctly to bookings.
- Fixed: Issue where calls do not clear when the caller(s) hangs up.
- Fixed: Issue when a Booking Tag is created and the Address Match Mode is set to 'All', Booking & Dispatch is not using the 'All' functionality, using the 'Any' functionality instead.
- Fixed: Issue with notification history where a new message pops up in the main box rather than in the side panel.
- Fixed: Issue where you can copy bookings using the 'F5' shortcut key that have a CAP account assigned to it even though it is not supported.
- Fixed: Issue where 'Dispatch Due Time' can be set in the past.
- Fixed: Issue where the system incorrectly prompts the user for an answer when no prompt is configured in the mandatory field.
Minimum Requirements
To ensure Autocab 365 operates and performs as designed, please make sure that your device meets the requirements listed below:
- Operating System: Windows 10 or newer
- Processor: AMD 3600 or better, Intel i5 10th gen or better
- Storage: Solid State Drive (SSD) or Non-volatile Memory express
- RAM: 8GB RAM (16GB recommended)
- Google Chrome Web Browser
- Internet Connection