If you require more time to comply with the Photo and Video Permissions policy before January 22, 2025, and you have not yet completed the declaration, you can request an extension through the Play Console until May 28, 2025.
The extension request form takes about one minute to complete. For more information on how to extend a policy declaration, please refer to the article: Request more time to complete a policy declaration - Play Console Help.
To request an extension:
- Log into your Google Play Console at Google Play for business | Launch & monetize your apps | Google Play Console.
- Select your app from the list to open the dashboard.
- Go to Monitor and improve > Policy and programmes > App content in the left-hand menu.
- On the App content page, scroll to the bottom and click 'Request additional time'.
- A pop-up will appear asking you to state a reason why you need additional time. Highlight the 'I am waiting on a new SDK version from an SDK provider' option and press Request.
After submitting your request, you should see the compliance deadline change to 28 May.
Important: If you have multiple apps, you will need to repeat this process for every app.