The Charging Areas screen is where you can create route-based fare templates to be applied to your tariffs.
This is useful for creating templates for areas with additional costs such as tolls, congestion and emission limits.
To access this screen:
- Click on Charging Areas from the Pricing and Payments > Templates dropdown menu.
Note: If you have no charging zones configured, then go to Pricing and Payments > Area Groups > Charing Zones and set them up before continuing.
How to Add a Charging Area Template
To add a new charging area template:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
Configure the template settings:
Name: Enter a unique name for the template.
Description: Enter a basic description of the template.
Company: (Only available in multi-company systems) Select which company the template applies to. - Click on the +Add button again on the right-hand side.
- Create a Custom Schedule for this charging area:
- Charging Zone Set: Select a charging zone set from the dropdown menu.
Tax Rate Mode: Select which Tax Rate Mode to apply to this charging zone.
- None: Disables this setting and no tax rate is set to the template.
- Use Default: Uses the default Tax Rate set in Accounts > Settings > Customers > Corporate > Job Processing > Tax Rate.
- Custom: Allows you to select a Tax Rate from the dropdown menu. To create a 'Tax Rate', see Tax Rates for more information.
- Include/ Exclude: Select if the charging zone should be active or disabled during the set schedule.
Schedule: Configure your custom schedule for this charging zone.
Everyday: Schedule applies to every day of the week, with the choice of being 24/7 by selecting 'Midnight to Midnight' or specifying a specific 'Daily Time Range'.
Weekly: Select which days of the week under the During setting to specify which days your charging zone settings apply to.
Monthly: When selecting monthly, you have two options to choose from: Day Of Month or Day In Month.
- Day Of Month: Select a specific day of the month (1-31) where your charging zone settings will apply. If the current month does not have the specified number of days (e.g. 31) then your charging zone settings will not apply during these months.
- Day In Month: Select a specific type of day in the month where your charging zone settings will apply, e.g. every second Saturday of each month.
Yearly: When selecting Yearly, you have three options to choose from: From, On or During.
- From: Select a starting date and an ending date in which your charging zone settings will apply during these dates.
- On: Select a specific type of day in the month, e.g. the third Friday and select the Month in which your charging zone settings apply. For example, the second Tuesday of February.
- During: Select a month (or multiple) where your charging zone settings apply every single day during your selected month(s). You can quickly select all months of the year by clicking the All button at the bottom of the modal.
Once: Select a date from and to where your charging area settings will apply, then not reoccur. You can use the calendar button to easily select the Month and Year, allowing you to define a long date range, if required.
For example, in the image below we have configured the charging zone to be active weekly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, between 4 pm and 7 pm when traffic is most congested.
Everyday: Schedule applies to every day of the week, with the choice of being 24/7 by selecting 'Midnight to Midnight' or specifying a specific 'Daily Time Range'.
- Then click +Add and Create.
Once a template is created, you can then apply it to your tariffs.