If enabled, destination mode tells the system to only send you job offers that have a pickup/drop off location that is on the way or close to your set destination.
For example, you may set the destination to your home address so that you can accept jobs while en route home.
Going into destination mode will start a session, for each session there could be several jobs sent to the driver in order to take them closer to your desired destination, the session will expire if any of the below occurs:
- If you manually exit destination mode.
- If the destination of a dispatched booking is in the same zone as the destination selected by the driver.
- If the system cannot find a suitable job for you for a certain number of minutes.
To use this mode:
- Press on the online/offline toggle and then press Destination Mode.
- Press on the Set Destination button.
Note: Destination mode is limited to a number of usages each day, however, this allowance resets every midnight.
- Enter a destination address or choose your pre-configured home address.
- Confirm the destination.
The system will now look for suitable jobs.
If no jobs are found, then the following message will be displayed.
If you have used all of your allowance for today, then you will not be able to use destination mode until the next day.
Note: You can also enable destination mode while on a job or offline. This will put you into destination mode as soon as the current job has been completed, and you will no longer be offered jobs that could take you further away from your desired destination.