The Settings section allows you to manage your account details, users, and email templates.
Agent Settings
The Agent Settings tab allows you to configure your agent account:
- Name: This should be your company name and will be displayed on emails sent from CAP.
- Admin Email: This will be your main email.
- App Link: The store link to your app.
- Telephone: This should be your companies telephone number.
- Country: Used to set your default CAP country.
- Language: Used to set your default CAP language.
- Password: Used to set the required password strength.
- Multiple Corporate Accounts Allowed Per Passenger: Enabling this will allow more than 1 corporate account to be assigned to a passenger.
The Users tab allows you to add and manage users for your Corporate Accounts Portal.
Adding users
To add a new user:
- Click on the Add button.
- Enter an email for the user.
- Then click Add.
Note: An account activation email will be sent to the email address associated with the newly created user.
Editing users
To edit a user:
- Double-click on a user you have added.
- Then within the User Details popup:
Email Link: Click to resend the user activation email.
Delete: Click to delete the user.
Save: Click to save changes to the user email.
Email Templates
The Email Templates tab allows you to edit your User Invitation and Corporate Link Invitation email templates.
- User Invitation: This is sent out when a user is added via the Users tab.
- Corporate Link Invitation: This is sent out when an account is added via the Accounts section.