The Booking Form screen is where you can create and edit passenger bookings.
To access this screen:
- Press the Space key or click on the shortcut button from the Dispatch screen.
New Booking
The left-hand section contains the new booking form and is used for viewing and entering the booking details.
Note: Remember to fill out as many details as is necessary for a booking, since more details will equal a better-estimated price and route.
Navigate between the booking form options by using the arrow keys to move left, right, up and down.
- Pickup: Enter and select the pickup destination. The address search automatically suggests locations depending on the current input, which you can use the Up and Down arrows to highlight and press the Enter key to select.
- Pickup Time: Set the pickup time using by pressing the Delete key then using the Arrow keys to move between each element (Day, Month, Year, Time in Hours, and Time in Minutes) or by clicking the Calendar icon.
- Via: Enter any Via addresses here. Upon entering an address, a new textbox appears below where you can add multiple Vias.
- Destination: Enter and select an address for the destination.
Use the above icons to Swap the Addresses from pickup to destination and vice versa; Locate the Address on the map to the right-hand side of the booking form and add a Wait and Return.
- Name: The passenger’s name.
- Company: (Only available on multicompany systems) Select a company to place the booking under.
- Driver Note: Add an optional note for the driver.
- Telephone: Input the passenger's telephone number. If the passenger has previously made a booking using the provided telephone number, you can view details such as the number of completed bookings, cancelled bookings, and no-fare bookings made by this passenger. Refer to Previous Passenger for more information.
- Capabilities: Use the dropdown menu to select needed capabilities for the booking.
Passengers: Input a whole number of how many passengers there will be. If there are a high number of passengers, you use CTRL + F5 or click the dropdown menu to split the booking and create multiple bookings for the passengers.
Here you can select which split mode to use:- Smallest Vehicles: Splits the bookings into small vehicles.
- Largest Vehicles: Splits the bookings into suitable large vehicles.
- Largest Available Vehicles: Splits the bookings into the largest available vehicles.
- Operator Override: Overrides the settings and allows you to manually configure the number of bookings and passengers per booking.
- Requested Vehicles: Specify which vehicles the booking can be allocated to by entering a vehicle callsign or multiple separated by a space or comma.
- Requested Drivers: Specify which drivers the booking can be allocated to by entering a driver callsign or multiple separated by a space or comma.
- Account: Use the dropdown menu to select an account to allocate the booking to. Depending on how the account is configured, you may experience a popup window where you must enter information for the mandatory fields or a password.
- Your Reference: Specify a custom booking reference. This can be useful for searching for the booking at a later date.
- Our Reference: Specify a custom booking reference, this is shown on the Driver Companion app for your drivers to see.
- Priority: Set the priority level of the booking. This is automatically set if using an Account.
Return Time: Set the return time if the passenger requires a return trip. You must first check the box (
) icon to set a return, then you can configure the date and time.
Return Flight Info: Specify a return flight. Input a flight number and press Enter, this opens a window where you can select the specific flight.
Upon selecting OK, the fields populate with the flight number, the departure and arrival airports (including the terminals), the departure date and time and the flight status.
- Luggage: Enter the number of how much luggage will be brought.
- Repeat Days: Set if the booking should be repeated on certain days.
- Repeat End Time: Set when the repeated bookings should end.
- You must first check the box (
) icon to set when the repeated bookings end, then you can configure the date and time.
- Booking Suspension Group: Use the dropdown menu to select a booking suspension group to suspend bookings at certain times, for example, a school run repeated booking should not occur during school holidays. For information on creating suspensions, see Configuring Suspensions in 365 Booking & Dispatch.
Flight Info: Add flight information for the driver. Input a flight number into the text field and press Enter, this opens a window where you can select the specific flight.
Upon selecting the flight, the fields populate with the flight number, the departure and arrival airports (including the terminals), the departure date and time and the flight status.
- Office Note: Add an optional note for your office staff.
Loyalty Card: Add a loyalty card number. Enter a card number or contact name and the system will lookup and suggest options.
Select an option from the list by navigating with the up and down arrow keys and pressing the Enter key.
- Customer Email: Enter the passenger’s email so they can receive a receipt.
- Release Code: Add a custom release code a driver must enter to release the job.
Placing a booking
To place a booking:
- Enter the booking details in the booking form.
- Then click on Book.
Note: If you wish to 'Hold' the booking before it is dispatched, then simply click on 'Book and Hold'.
Previous Passenger
If a passenger has made a booking in the past, the telephone input field displays text indicating so, and new options appear at the bottom of the booking form.
To view previous bookings for this number and apply those details to the current booking form, press F2.
There are two tabs, Current Bookings and Previous Bookings. Select the booking you would like to apply to the booking form and press Enter or the Confirm button.
At the bottom of the screen, you'll see options that provide more insight into this passenger:
- Completed: How many bookings the passenger has completed.
- Cancelled: How many bookings the passenger has cancelled.
- No Job: How many bookings were no job.
- Previous Bookings: View previous bookings.
- CLI: Select the Calling Line Identification settings for this passenger.
- IVR: Select the Interactive Voice Response settings for this passenger.
- R/B: Select the Ringback/Textback settings for this passenger.
- T/B: Select the Textback settings for this passenger.
Booking Form Customisation
To customise the booking form:
- Click on the Cog (
) icon in the right-hand corner of the form.
- The fields are then separated into Form Groups, which you can edit by navigating to the group to modify and pressing the 'G' key.
- You can also use the following shortcuts to quickly perform various functions on the Customise Form window:
- Escape: Functions as the Close button which closes the window. Or, if in a Form Group, can be used to return back to the main window.
- End: Functions as the Ok button, which saves and closes the window.
- F1: Moves the highlighted form group/field up in the order.
F2: Moves the highlighted form group/field up down in the order.
- E: Allows you to add and edit a Custom Name for the selected form group/field.
- G: Opens the selected Form Group where you can modify the fields within.
- R: Removes a Custom Name.
- Space: Use to toggle on or off the visibility of the selected form group/field.
CTRL + R: Resets the entire form, including removing custom names, resetting the form group order and returning all form groups to visible.
- Once finishing configuration, press End to save your changes or press the Ok button..
Booking Panels
The right-hand section contains booking panels with various booking details and is updated based on what has been entered.
This panel provides a timeline of any upcoming prebookings during the same booking period.
This panel provides an estimated time of arrival of the next available vehicle and an average estimated time of arrival of dispatch-to-arrival.
This panel provides a quote for the booking including the approximate distance, price, and tariff (If configured).
Note: A yellow notification may be displayed below the quote during busy periods if the 'The Wall' feature has been configured.
This panel provides a route overview of the booking between the pickup and destination:
- Zoom: The map can be zoomed In/Out of using the mouse scroll wheel.
- Map Zones: The map zones can be toggled ON/OFF by clicking the (grid) icon.
Zone Stats
This panel provides an overview of each zone the booking route may pass through, and provides details of vehicles in the zones and their status.
Using Shortcuts
The bottom section also contains shortcuts that are useful for quickly executing certain functions.
Click here to view the shortcuts:
Shortcut Key | Action |
Esc | Closes the active page or popup |
End | Place the booking |
Home | Place the booking and Hold it before dispatching |
Insert | Manually set the booking price |
F1 | Select the Calling Line Identification (CLI) options for this passenger |
F3 | Copy the booking information to your clipboard |
F4 | Paste the copied booking information |
F5 | Create multiple copies of the booking |
F6 | View the last previous booking made by the passenger |
F7 | Open a job template for the booking |
F10 | Set up a card payment for the booking |
CTRL + F5 | Split up and create multiple bookings when there is a high number of passengers |
CTRL + F6 | Add a fixed price tariff to the booking. |
CTRL + F8 | Manually send a booking receipt to the passenger. |