The Advanced Bookings screen shows you all the bookings that are scheduled for a later date or time.
To access this screen:
- Press the B key or click on the shortcut button from the Dispatch screen.
To search for advanced bookings:
- Click on the Date field.
- Set the date using by pressing Delete then using the Arrow keys, or using the Calendar icon.
- Then click Search.
The bottom section also contains shortcuts that are useful for quickly executing certain functions.
- Space (New Booking): Open the New Booking form.
- A (Send to Active): Send a booking to the Dispatch screen.
- C (Cancel): Cancel an advanced booking.
- Crtl+X (Exchange): Exchange a booking via Cab Exchange.
- E (Edit): Edit an advanced booking.
- Enter/End (Search): Use the search function.
- Esc (Close): Close the active page or popup.
- F (Filters): Used to apply different advanced booking filters.
- F1 (Repeat Bookings Only): Toggle the Repeat Bookings Only filter.
- F2 (Include Skipped & Suspended Bookings): Toggle the Include Skipped & Suspended Bookings filter.
- H (Hold): Place an advanced booking on Hold.
- M (Manage Suspensions): Open options to manage Suspension Templates/Groups.
- R (Release): Release an advanced booking to drivers.
- S (Suspensions): Open options to Skip Repeat Booking, and Add or Change a booking Suspension.
Note: Additional shortcuts can be seen by right-clicking on a booking.
- O (Release to Any Driver): Release the booking to any driver, rather than the requested driver.
- T (Set Dispatch Due Time): Set the time and date for the booking to be dispatched.
- V (View): View the details of the booking.
- Alt+R (Request Vehicle): Request a vehicle for the booking.
- Crtl+O (Reassign to Company): Reassigned the booking to another company on your system.
- Shift+A (Autocomplete): Autocomplete the booking.
- Shift+P (Call Passenger): Call the passenger for the booking.
- Shift+S (Send Booking Receipt): Send a booking receipt to the passenger.