The Drivers screen allows you to add drivers to your Autocab system and manage their profiles, including any stored information.
New drivers will need to be added here when they start working for you and having all the drivers registered on the system will ensure you can view digital records of their jobs, shifts, location, and more.
Note: Some driver information is displayed to customers on the Passenger App so please ensure any visible names and details are business appropriate.
To access this screen:
- Click on Drivers from the Drivers/Vehicles dropdown menu.
Add a driver
To add a new driver:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter any required driver details (marked with an asterisk *) within each tab.
- Then click Create to add the driver.
The Contact tab is where you will enter the driver’s basic details.
- Image: The image uploaded here will be used as your driver’s profile image across our apps.
- First Name: The driver’s first name.
- Last Name: The driver’s last name.
- Landline: A landline number for the driver.
- Mobile: The driver’s mobile number.
- Address: The driver’s main address.
- Email: An email address for the driver, used by the system to send details such as their licence code.
- Town: The town the driver is based in.
- County: The county the town is based in.
- Postcode: The driver’s address postcode.
- Callsign: The unique number that identifies the driver.
- PIN: The pin used by a driver to log in to their device, if the ‘start mode input’ is set to PIN.
- Referral ID: The unique ID that identifies the driver’s account.
- Destination Mode Home Address: This should be the driver’s home address, and will be used for Destination Mode.
- Driver Comments: Additional comments for the driver to read via Driver Companion.
The incentives tab is where you can view challenges and view/add rewards for drivers.
To add a reward:
- Click on the Add button under Earned Active Rewards
- Select the type of reward you want to give the driver
- Set the rules for the reward you are creating.
- Give your reward a name, description and instructions.
- Then click Create.
Note: You can view the reward you have created and others the driver currently holds by clicking View under Earned Active Rewards.
The System tab is where you can configure system-specific settings for the driver.
- Company: Select which company the driver is managed under.
- Exclusive: If enabled, the driver will only be able to accept work from their selected company.
Suspended: Toggle on to suspend the driver from working. A Suspend Driver modal appears upon selecting the toggle, in here you have two options to input details:
- Reason: You must provide a reason for the driver's suspension in this text field. This is so other users on the system are aware of why the driver is suspended, and the suspended driver is made aware of the reasoning provided here when attempting to start work.
Suspension Expires: (Optional) You can enter a date and time in this field using the Select Date (
) icon and Select Time (
) icon. Upon reaching your set date and/or time, the driver's suspension will automatically lift. Leaving this field blank results in the suspension remaining in place until you manually intervene.
- Exclude From Balance Suspension: If enabled, the driver will not be suspended automatically if their account balance is too low.
- Suspension History: Here you can view a drivers suspension history showing the date and reason they were suspended/unsuspended and the user who did it.
- Capabilities: This defines which capability-based job types a driver can receive.
Exclusive Capability Mode: This will only show for capabilities set up as an Exclusive Capability
- Exclusivity enforced: If enabled the driver will only be able to take jobs with this capability.
- Exclusivity not enforced: If enabled the driver will be able to take other jobs than the capability applied to them.
- Driver can choose: If enabled the driver can choose whether they want to take jobs only for the capability applied to them or not.
- Shift Pattern: The driver will only be able to work during their allocated shift pattern.
Insurance Provider:
- Enable Insurance Provider: Enable to integrate a driver’s insurance such as Zego with the Autocab system.
- Insurance Customer ID: Enter the driver’s Insurance Customer ID.
- Accepted Payments: Select which type of payment methods the driver can accept for jobs.
- Cash Bookings: If disabled, the driver will no longer be sent cash jobs.
- Account Bookings: If disabled, the driver will no longer be sent account jobs.
- Customers Can Call This Driver: If enabled, customers can contact this driver by phone.
- Fleet Owner: Determines which fleet a driver is assigned to.
The Account tab is where you will enter the driver’s account details.
- Transaction Group: Select which transaction group this driver should be processed within.
- Tax Rate: Select a tax rate to charge tax or VAT to a driver.
- National Insurance Number: Enter the driver’s NINO.
- VAT Number: If self-employed, enter the driver’s VAT Number.
- Instapay Enabled: Use this toggle to enable or disable the specific driver from using Instapay.
- Instapay Additional Info Accepted at: Displays the date and time at which the driver accepted the 'Additonal Information' terms in Driver Companion shown when setting up Instapay. If the driver has not accepted these terms, 'Not accepted' is shown.
- Bank Name: The name of the driver’s bank.
- Bank Sort Code: The sort code of the driver’s bank.
- Bank Account Number: The driver’s bank account number.
- Driver Sheet Type: Select a default template to use for the driver sheet.
Credit Sheet Delivered By:
- Email: Enable to automatically send the driver’s credit sheet via email.
- Print: Enable to automatically print the driver’s credit sheet.
- Driver Sheet Header: Add a custom header to the driver sheet.
- Driver Sheet Template: Select a custom template to use for the driver sheet.
The Licenses tab is where you will enter the driver’s license details such as the number and expiry date.
- Date Started: When did the driver start working for you.
- Date Finished: When did the driver stop working for you.
- Badge Number / Expiry: The driver’s badge number and expiry date.
- Driver License Number / Expiry: The driver’s driver licence number and expiry date.
- CPC Card Number / Expiry: The driver’s CPC card number and expiry date.
- Insurance Expires: The driver’s insurance expiry date.
- Date Of Birth: The driver’s date of birth.
- DBS Certificate Number / Expiry: The driver’s DBS certificate number and expiry date.
- Digital Tachograph Card Number / Expiry: The driver’s digital tachograph card number and expiry date.
- Medical Card Number / Expiry: The driver’s medical card number and expiry date.
Auto Pay
The Auto Pay tab is where you can configure the billing methods for a driver.
EBP Bank Details: This is for adding the Electronic Bank Payment (EBP) bank details of a 3rd party bank.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Bank Code: The bank code.
- Payment Method: The payment method, for example, ‘BANK’.
EBP Account Work: This is for adding the EBP Account Work details of a 3rd party account.
- Account Reference: Your individual account reference number.
- Payout Code: The code for recording money paid out of the account.
- Payin Code: The code for recording money paid into the account.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Currency: The currency the driver should be billed in.
- Enable ePayout: Enable to automatically payout to a driver when proccessed.
- PayPal Email Address: Add the driver’s PayPal email address if you want to pay the driver what they are owed into their Paypal account once processed.
Sage Settings:
- Account Settings: Add your Sage account settings here if you bill driver’s through Sage.
- Payment Card: Add a payment card for Sage.
Sage Settings:
The Documents tab is where you can add and manage a driver’s documents.
Add a document
To add a new document:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter the document details:
Name: The name of the document.
Description: A basic description of the document.
Document State: The documents state (Without, Uploaded)
Upload Document: This allows you to upload a document. - Then click Add.
Edit a document
To edit a document:
- Double-click on a document.
Edit the document details.
- Then click Save.
The Approval tab is where you can accept or reject documents sent by a driver from Driver Companion.
To approve or reject a document:
- Click on the (Tick) or (Cross) button within the Approve column.
To download a document:
- Click on the (Download) button within the Download column.
Note: You can also click on the 'History' tab to view previous approvals.
Edit a driver
To edit a driver:
- Double-click on a driver from the table.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Then click Save.
Note: You can also deactivate the driver by clicking on the 'Deactivate' button.
Driver Ratings
When editing a driver you will also see the drivers rating under their profile picture.
To view the driver rating in detail:
- Click on the Rating stars.
This will then display the driver’s Rating History. Here you can view any ratings the driver has received, from which source, and can filter the ratings by specific criteria or timeframes.
To add a new rating:
- Click on the +Add Rating button.
- Enter the rating and optional comment.
- Then click Submit.
Average driver ratings
To view the average rating for all of your drivers:
- Click on the Average Driver Rating stars on the top-left of the Drivers screen.
- This will then display every driver rating, comment, source, and status.
To verify or disregard a rating:
Double-click on a driver rating.
- Then click on Verify or Disregard.
The rating status will now show as verified.
Note: Verifying driver ratings will then update the 'average driver rating' with the new average.