Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for Driver Companion.
To ensure you have the best experience using our app, we recommend always updating to the latest version available from the app store (Android / iOS).
Note: The features available to you within Driver Companion will depend on your company's configuration of the app, and the current version you are using.
What's New
Dual Queue Zones
You can now have dual queue zones that allow you to maintain two queue positions when entering a zone within another zone.
Prevent Late Prebookings
The prevent late prebookings feature will prevent prebookings from being dispatched to you which may cause you to be late for your next booking.
Driver Documents
You can review documents sent to you by your company and then download, approve, or reject the document.
SumUp Integration
You can now integrate a SumUp device with Driver Companion to be used for taking payments.
Multi-company Vehicles Display
The vehicles displayed on Driver Companion may now be limited to only show for any companies that another company is sharing, rather than showing all vehicles for every company on the system.
This is useful for when a number of companies share work but others don't, so the vehicles shown to you on the Driver Companion will only be those drivers for companies where work is shared.
SumUp: Pay Driver Direct
Payments made using a SumUp device can now be paid directly into your personal driver account, rather than being passed through the Ghost system.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Cannot bid for a job as it's not showing up on the available zone.
- Fixed: New job available alert and zone high lighting is not happening.
- Fixed: White bar at the top of the home screen covering icons after selecting a job on 'job history'.
- Fixed: Driver cannot view the home screen from maps on the journey screen.
- Fixed: Application loading for a while when the driver selects long break - not consistent.
- Fixed: No-cache for pre-booking calls and cache didn't clear when a notification arrived.
- Fixed: If a driver selects pay-by-card and then closes the payment screen, the card payment button would still be selected on the screen but can also swipe to complete the job as a cash booking.
- Fixed: Constant error message when on Prebooking, if Pre-bookings is turned off but booking preview is turned on.
- Fixed: When "Allow picked up if meter disconnected" is enabled Driver Companion allowed you to process a pick up if the meter is disconnected, but if the connection was lost during the journey then you could not clear the meter down.
- Fixed: The driver profile image was not loading and an endless (Spinner) icon was being displayed.
- Fixed: Issues with prebooking bidding where some bookings were being duplicated.
- Fixed: Trying to use "Short Break" while in POB was extending jobs instead of starting a short break.
- Fixed: Driver Companion was crashing when taking payments when the driver's device had low memory.
- Fixed: Some drivers were unable to change their password while on the Driver Details screen.
- Fixed: When uploading a new driver document, submissions were failing with a "Submission Failed" error message being displayed.