The Geofencing screen is where you can configure distance tolerances for different driver commands and statuses.
To access this screen:
- Click on Geofencing from the Drivers/Vehicles > Driver Companion > Global Settings dropdown menu.
Geofencing Settings
The following settings can be configured:
GPS Tolerances
GPS Type Tolerance Mode: Set if the system checks for the centre point or closest point.
- By Centre Point: Check GPS tolerance from the zone centre point.
- By Closest Points: Check GPS tolerance from the closest point to a driver.
- Clear Out Of Range Tolerance (m): If a driver is outside of the set radius they will not be able to ‘clear’ from a job.
- No Job Out Of Range Tolerance (m): If a driver is outside of the set radius they will not be able to use the ‘no job’ command.
- Driver Companion Respects Pickup Tolerance: If enabled, drivers outside of the pickup tolerance will not be able to start their meter.
- Driver Companion Respects Ringback Tolerance: If enabled, drivers outside of the ringback tolerance will not be able to use the ‘ringback‘ button.
- Allow Clear In Same Zone: If enabled, drivers can ‘clear’ anywhere within the destination zone, regardless of the tolerances.
- Picked Up Out Of Range Tolerance (m): If a driver is outside of the set radius they will not be able to use the ‘picked up’ command.
- Via Out Of Range Tolerance (m): If a driver is outside of the set radius they will not be able to use the ‘picked up’ command at the Via stage.
- Ringback Out Of Range Tolerance (m): If a driver is outside of the set radius they will not be able to use the ‘ringback’ command.
Note: If your zones vary a lot in size, then it is advised that you use the 'By Centre Point' option for the 'GPS Type Tolerance Mode'. This is so the system takes into consideration the centre point of the zone instead of the closest point.
Auto Plot Modes
- When Clear: Enable to automatically plot drivers in a zone while ‘clear’ from a job.
- When Busy: Enable to automatically plot drivers in a zone while ‘busy’ on a job.