To cancel a booking on the active screen:
- Be viewing the active screen booking table.
- Click on a booking to select it.
- Press the "C" key or click on the "Cancel" button (found in the bottom shortcut bar).
- You will then be asked to confirm the cancellation.
- If "Yes", the booking will be cancelled.
To cancel an advanced booking:
- Be viewing the advanced bookings screen table by pressing the "B" key or clicking the "Advanced" button.
- Click on a booking to select it.
- Press the "C" key or click on the "Cancel" button (found in the bottom shortcut bar).
- You will then be asked to confirm the cancellation.
- If "Yes", the advanced booking will be cancelled.
To cancel a dispatched booking:
- Be viewing the dispatched bookings screen table by pressing the "D" key or clicking the "Dispatched" button.
- Click on a booking to select it.
- Press the "C" key or click on the "Cancel" button (found in the bottom shortcut bar).
- You will then be asked to confirm the cancellation.
- If "Yes", the advanced booking will be cancelled.