The Promos screen is where you can create custom promo codes for customers to use, and view the transaction history for used codes.
This is a great way of keeping your customers happy by offering them promotional codes for discounted bookings.
To access this screen:
- Click on Promos from the Passengers > Passenger Profile > Passenger Loyalty dropdown menu.
Promo Codes
The Promo Codes tab is where you can configure each promo code.
Add a promo code
To add a new promo code:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter any required details (marked with an asterisk *) within each tab.
- Then click Create.
The Options tab is where you can configure the promo general and target/delivery settings.
- General:
- Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the promo code.
- Code: Enter a unique code or quote customers will enter on their booking.
- Description: Enter a description of the promotion.
- Mode: Select if the discount should be a fixed amount or percentage.
- Amount: Set the fixed amount or percentage.
- Balance Limit: Enable to set a balance limit for this code (e.g. Code "1234" can be used by customers until £1000 has been spent).
- Usage Mode: Select under what usage the code can be used.
- Pay To Driver: Enable to pay the promo code amount to a driver.
- Remaining Balance: This field will automatically show the remaining balance of a promo code.
- App Card Only: Enable to only allow the promo code to be used with app card bookings.
- Target & Delivery:
- Target Audience: This can be used to upload a list of phone numbers to send the code to.
- Target Pickup Zones: Select which pickup zones the code can be used within.
- Target Destination Mode: Select which destination zones the code can be used within.
The Schedule tab is where you can configure the promo schedule.
- Schedule: Select how often the promo code can be used.
- Time Schedule: Select at what time the promo code can be used.
The Transactions tab is where you view how often your promo codes are being used.
Search for transactions
To search for promo code transactions:
- Set the optional search criteria.
- Then click Search.
Any transactions matching your search criteria will then be displayed.
Note: You can also double-click on a transaction to view the transaction details.