The Reward Codes screen is where you can add and monitor your reward codes, reward schemes, and prepay groups.
To access this screen:
- Click on Reward Codes from the Passengers > Passenger Profile > Passenger Loyalty dropdown menu.
Reward Codes
The Reward Codes tab is where you can add reward codes (Loyalty Cards) that can be used by your customers to accumulate points or money in order to pay for their bookings.
Add a reward code
To add a new reward code:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter any required details (marked with an asterisk *) within each tab.
- Then click Create.
The Settings tab is where you can configure the reward code settings.
- Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the reward code.
- Card Number: This can be entered manually but will automatically populate for cards used within the passenger app.
- Card PIN: A unique numeric PIN to be entered for approval of a loyalty booking.
- Source: Automatically populates when the reward code has been used.
- Card Message: The message that will be shown for the card used.
- Card Type: Select which card type to use.
- Prepay Card: Use if the reward is for one person only.
- Group Prepay Card: Use if the reward is for a group of people.
- Linked to Customer Account: Use if the passenger has a customer account.
- Card Type Properties: Different settings are shown pending on the card type selected.
Contact Details
The Contact Details tab is where you can enter the contact details for the reward code.
Reward Schemes
The Reward Schemes tab is where you can create schemes that can be applied to reward codes and bookings, this way customers are then rewarded points or money automatically.
Add a reward scheme
To add a new reward scheme:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Configure the reward scheme:
Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the reward scheme.
Show Reward Balance to Driver: Enable to display a customer's reward balance to drivers at the end of a booking.
Reward Scheme Name: A unique name for the reward.
Description: A description that explains the reward scheme.
Scheme Type: Select what should be awarded to a customer when using the scheme.
Reward Unit: Select if a customer should be rewarded based on the fare or journey.
Reward Per Unit: The number of reward points to be rewarded per fare (per £1 spent) or journey (per 1 journey taken).
Reward Threshold: The number of reward points needed before issuing a reward.
Reward Amount: The amount in monetary value to be awarded to the customer after reaching the threshold. - Then click Create.
Prepay Group
The Prepay Group tab is where you can create prepay customer groups and provide them with a prepaid balance to use for their bookings.
You can link multiple reward codes to a Prepay Group which has its own reward scheme and balance. This is useful if a number of your customers have their own reward codes but have an overall shared balance.
Add a prepay group
To add a new prepay group:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter any required details (marked with an asterisk *).
- Then click Create.
The Transactions tab is where you view how often your rewards are being used.
Search for transactions
To search for reward transactions:
- Set the optional search criteria.
- Then click Search.
Any transactions matching your search criteria will then be displayed.
Note: You can also double-click on a transaction to view the transaction details.