The Settings screen is where you can configure your Loyalty settings.
To access this screen:
- Click on Settings from the Passengers > Passenger Profile > Passenger Loyalty dropdown menu.
Loyalty Settings
The following settings can be configured:
- Enable Loyalty Cards: Toggle to enable or disable your promos and reward codes.
- Enable Loyalty Card Client: Toggle to enable or disable the loyalty card client.
- Pay Reward Amount to Driver: If enabled the driver will receive the reward code payment amount for any booking they complete where the passenger has paid (partially or in full) using a reward code.
- Loyalty Card Provider: Set Default (Ghost).
- Address: The IP address of the provider.
- Port: The Port of the provider.
- MDT Allows Loyalty Cards: Enable to display the 'Loyalty Cards' button to drivers within Driver Companion.
- MDT Allows Manual Input: Enable to allow drivers to manually enter reward codes on booking completion.
- MDT Prompts Password: Enable to force drivers to enter the card PIN when using reward codes.
- Account Linked Cards Swipe: Select which action must take place for manually added cards linked to customer accounts.
- Prepay Cards Swipe Mode: Select which action must take place for manually added prepay cards.