The Fees screen allows you to create additional fees to be applied to your tariffs.
This is useful for adding additional booking fees, driver commissions, or service charges.
To access this screen:
- Click on Fees from the Pricing and Payments > Templates dropdown menu.
Add Fee
To add a new fee:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Configure the fee settings:
Name: Enter a unique name for the fee.
Category: Select the fee category.
Uplift Price/Cost: Select if the price/cost should be deducted from drivers or not. - Click on the Add button again on the right-hand side.
- Configure the fee:
Fee Type: Select if the fee should be a fixed amount or percentage.
Fee: Enter a fixed monetary amount or a percentage of the price of a booking.
From: Default is 0.
To: Enable to only apply the fee if the booking price is within the From and To range.
In the example below, the flat fee on top of the booking price will be £2, and will only apply if the booking price is between £0 and £10. If over £10 the fee will not be applied. - Then click Create to add the fee and again to create the template.
Note: You can add multiple fees to the same template.
Once a fee template is created, you can then apply it to your tariffs.