The Booking Reports screen allows you to view detailed information about the bookings made on your system.
These reports can be useful in finding out how your business is doing & how busy you are at certain times in certain areas.
To access this screen:
- Click on Booking from the Reports dropdown menu.
Total Bookings
The Total Bookings report is where you can view how many bookings in total you've had over a specific timeframe, zone, set period, and more.
Search bookings
To search for the total number of bookings:
- Configure your search criteria:
From: Select which date to begin the search from.
To: Select which date to end the search.
View By: Select to display the total bookings per zone or the overall totals.
View Period By: Select which timeframe the chart will display the totals.
Company: Booking data will only show for the selected company.
Shift: Booking data can be restricted to a specific shift.
Booking Source: Booking data can be restricted to a booking source.
Payment Type: Booking data can be restricted to a certain payment type. - Then click Search.
The report table will then be populated with the booking data.
Note: You will also be provided with a chart to show a visual breakdown of the data.
Dispatched Breakdown
The Dispatch Breakdown report is where you can view how many bookings were dispatched through your system.
The Settings tab is where you can add custom driver shifts and then use these as search criteria.
Add shift
To add a new driver shift:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter the shift Name and Times.
- Then click Create.