The Kickback Accounts screen is where you can add and manage your kickback customer accounts.
These accounts are also an important part of your business as they generate regular income for your company from customers using you as a taxi service. The only difference here is that they will be organisations that you pay a small amount to if they book taxis for their customers using your service.
To access this screen:
- Click on Kickback from the Accounts dropdown menu.
Add kickback account
To add a new kickback account:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter the required details (marked with an asterisk *) within each tab.
- Then click Create.
- Display Name: Enter the name of the company, department, or organisation you are adding.
- Account Code: Enter a unique code for identifying this account.
- Taxi Company: Select which system taxi company this account is active on.
- Suspended: Toggle On to suspend this account.
- Active History: Click to view any changes made to this account.
- Client Company Name: Enter the client's registered company name.
- Address: Enter the address details of the client company.
- Telephone: Enter the telephone number of the client's company.
- Contact Name: Enter the contact name of the client company (E.g. John Smith).
- Fax: Enter the fax number of the client company.
- Emails (comma/semi-colon separated): Enter any emails for the client company (Invoices will be sent to the emails added here).
- Website: Enter the client company's website URL.
- Mandatory Booking Fields: Select any fields here that must be added when making a booking for this account.
- Passwords: Add custom passwords that must be quoted by a customer when booking using this account.
Job Processing
- Contract Number: The account customer's contract number, typically shown on invoices.
- Invoice Template: Select which template should be used for account invoices.
- Export Invoice: Select which template should be used for export invoices.
- Invoice Email Body: Enter custom text to be shown in the email body when sending an invoice.
- Invoice Header: Enter a custom text to be shown in the email header when sending an invoice.
- Invoice Footer: Enter custom text to be shown in the email footer when sending an invoice.
- Print Invoice: Select if invoices for this account should also be printed automatically.
- Email Invoice: Select if the system should automatically send an email to the customer when an invoice is generated.
- Invoice Frequency: Select how often an invoice should be sent when bulk sending invoices.
- Invoice Format: Changing this will change the style of the invoices instead of using the default template.
- Include Export In Email: Select if invoice reports should be attached to the customer's invoice email.
- Upload Invoice: Enable to upload a copy of your invoices to the file system.
- Invoice Summary Sort By: Select which element the system should sort the invoice summaries by.
- Job Group Mode Sort By: Select how the system should sort jobs on an invoice.
- Job Group Mode: Select how jobs should be grouped on an invoice.
- Master Account: If this is a sub-account, select the main account it is linked to.
- Service Charge Tax Rate: If service charge tax rates are required, you can apply them here.
- Auto Approve Recipe: Select which mode to use for auto-approving recipes.
- Custom:
- Custom Auto Approve Recipe Method: Select if auto-approval should be used or not.
- Custom Auto Approve Recipe: Select under which circumstances an account booking can be auto-approved.
- Use Global:
- Invoice Payment Method: Select the default invoice payment method.
- Custom:
- Reference: Enter a unique reference as an identifier for invoices of this account.
- Display Price/Cost On Booking Screen Mode: Select if the price or cost should be on the booking screen for bookings on this account.
- Use Master Account Pricing Modes: Enable if this is a sub-account and it should inherit the pricing modes set don't the master account.
- Variable Tariff Mode: Select the variable tariff mode for this account.
- Fixed Tariff Mode: Select the fixed tariff mode for this account.
- Variable Tariffs: Select which variable tariffs should be applied to this account.
- Fixed Tariffs: Select which fixed tariffs should be applied to this account.
- Auto Price/Cost Recalculation On Shout Mode: Bookings for this account will be recalculated automatically when in shout mode.
- Variable Price Fixed (Excluding As Directed): Enable to fix the variable price for any bookings that aren't 'as directed'.
- Override Force Shout For Fixed Tariffs: Enable to clear jobs without a driver shout if the fixed price matches.
- Waiting Time Minutes Free: Set how much waiting time a customer on this account can have for free.
- Kickback Fee: Select an additional fee to apply to the tariffs.
- Kickback Fee Commission: Enter a value of commission to charge on top of the kickback fee.
- Gratuity Surcharge Mode: Select if gratuity is charged on top of the surcharge or separately.
- Gratuity Setting Type: Select the gratuity type.
- Gratuity Setting Value: Enter the gratuity value.
- Apply Surcharge Mode: Select if surcharges should be charged when a booking is placed or completed.
- Surcharge (Price): The settings here will apply a surcharge on top of an account booking price.
- Surcharge Type: Select the surcharge value type.
- Surcharge Value: Enter the value of the surcharge.
- Round-Up To Nearest: Set the nearest decimal place to round the surcharge up to (E.g. 0.01).
- Variable Tariffs Only: Enable to only apply the surcharge to variable tariffs.
- Surcharge (Cost): The settings here will apply a surcharge on top of an account booking cost.
- Surcharge Type: Select the surcharge value type.
- Surcharge Value: Enter the value of the surcharge.
- Round-Up To Nearest: Set the nearest decimal place to round the surcharge up to (E.g. 0.01).
- Variable Tariffs Only: Enable to only apply the surcharge to variable tariffs.
- Auto Exchange Enabled: Enable to automatically exchange account jobs for this customer between your systems.
- Comments: Enter custom messages to be displayed for different users.
- Auto Priority: If required, set a custom priority for bookings from this account to override the default booking priorities.
- Passcode Failure Mode: Select what the system should do if a customer fails to enter the correct booking passcode.
- Passenger Notifications:
- Use Custom Textback Template: Enable to use a custom textback template for bookings on this account.
- Use Custom Email Template: Enable to use a custom email template for bookings on this account.
- Enable Callback: Toggle to enable callback for bookings on this account.
- Disable Ringback: Enable to disable ringback for bookings on this account.
- Interactive Confirm Booking Prompt: Enable to prompt the customer to press 1 when a ringback happens to confirm the booking.
- Interactive Cancel Booking Prompt: Enable to prompt the customer to press 2 when a ringback happens to cancel the booking.
- Cab Exchange Options:
- Enable Identifier: Enable to generate a unique identifier for this account for linking it to other products such as eBooking and the Passenger App.
- Identifier: This field will be populated with the generated identifier.
- Mode: Select which mode should be used for cab exchange on this account.
- Agent ID: Enter the customer's company ID and spend it with a 3 (E.g. 30053).
- Contract Reference: Enter the cab exchange agent reference.
- Accept Set Prices: Enable to allow set prices for account bookings made through cab exchange.
- iGo VAT Mode: Select a VAT mode for your iGo accounts. See How To Set Up iGo VAT Mode for further information on this setting.
- Optimised Dispatch:
- Optimised Dispatch Enabled: Toggle to "enabled" to display additional settings.
- Optimised Dispatch Capacity Threshold: Set the percentage capacity threshold, which will automatically switch off "Optimised Dispatch" for this customer account once reached (Note: This can only be set in increments of 10%).
- Optimised Dispatch Priority Limit: Set the highest priority the booking can be increased to (e.g. 1-9).
- Optimised Dispatch Time Limit: Set the time limit for increasing the booking priority (e.g. after 2 minutes, the priority will be increased by 1 increment).
- EBP Bank Details: This is for adding the Electronic Bank Payment (EBP) bank details of a 3rd party bank.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Bank Code: The bank code.
- EBP Account Work: This is for adding the EBP Account Work details of a 3rd party account.
- Account Reference: Your individual account reference number.
- Payout Code: The code for recording money paid out of the account.
- Payin Code: The code for recording money paid into the account.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Currency: The currency the driver should be billed in.
- Sage:
- Sage Settings:
- Account Settings: Add your Sage account settings here if you bill drivers through Sage.
- Payment Card: Add a payment card for Sage.
- Sage Settings: