The Corporate screen contains all the necessary global settings to ensure your account work runs smoothly and is processed correctly.
To access this screen:
- Click on Corporate from the Settings > Customers dropdown menu.
The following settings can be configured:
- Display Name: Defaults to global as every customer has a unique name.
- Account Code: Enter a unique code for identifying the account jobs.
- Taxi Company: Select which system taxi company accounts are active on by default.
- Booking Colour: Set what colour should show for account work on the dispatch screen.
- Booking Colour Overrides Capabilities: If enabled, the booking colour will override any custom capability colours.
- Password Entry Mode: Select which mode to use for entering and displaying account passwords.
- Password Sort Mode: Select if passwords should be sorted or not for operators.
- Show Extra Fields: Select which fields should be shown to drivers for account bookings.
- Booking Account by Code: If enabled, accounts will only be sorted by their account code.
- Sort Account by Column: Select if accounts should be sorted by their code or name.
- Enable Automatic Our Reference: Enable to automatically generate a reference for the 'Our Reference' field.
- Maximum Reference Number: Set the maximum value reference numbers can go to (E.g. 999999).
- Passcode Failure Mode: Select what the system should do if a customer fails to enter the correct booking passcode.
- Comments For Driver: Enter a custom message to be displayed to drivers for account bookings.
- Pricing:
- Booking Fee For Manual Price: Select the booking fee for manual pricing.
Job Processing
- Invoice Email Body: Enter custom text to be shown in the email body when an invoice email is sent to an account customer.
- Invoice Header: Enter custom text to be shown in the email header when an invoice email is sent to an account customer.
- Invoice Footer: Enter custom text to be shown in the email footer when an invoice email is sent to an account customer.
- Print Invoice: Enable to prompt users to print an invoice when generated.
- Email Invoice: Enable to automatically email invoices to account customers.
- Print Full Address On Invoice: Enable to include the full address on printed invoices.
- Upload Invoice: Enable to upload a copy of your invoices to the file system.
- Print Note With Address On Invoice: Enable to include booking notes on printed invoices.
- Master Invoice: Enable to use the master invoice feature and link sub-accounts to master accounts.
- Invoice Export Mode: Select which mode to use for exporting invoices.
- Invoice Export Setting: Select which settings should be used for exported invoices.
- Invoice Upload Mode: Select which mode to use for uploading invoices.
- Invoice Upload Path: Enter the folder path for uploading invoices to.
- Discount Type: If you wish to apply a discount to the customer accounts, select the discount type here.
- Discount: Enter the value of the discount.
- Split Up Multi Pickup Jobs: Enable to split up jobs with multiple pickups for customer accounts.
- Auto Export Job Information When Posted: Enable to automatically export job info when a job is processed.
- Extra Cost Tax Rate: If additional tax rates are required, you can apply them here.
- Include Export In Email: Select if invoice reports should be attached to a customer's invoice email.
- Invoice Per Job: If required, enable this to create an invoice per job rather than in bulk.
- Independent Invoice Numbers: Enable to have independent invoice numbers for each customer invoice.
- Invoice Summary Sort By: Select which element the system should sort the invoice summaries by.
- Invoice Template: Select which template should be used for account invoices.
- Reference: Enter a unique reference as an identifier for invoices of customer accounts.
- Service Charge Type: Select if the service charge should be in percentage or a fixed amount.
- Service Charge: Enter the service charge value.
- Service Charge Tax Rate: If service charge tax rates are required, you can apply them here.
- Tax Rate: If a standard tax rate is required, you can apply it here.
- VAT Mode: Select which VAT mode should be used for customer accounts.
- Use Signatures: If enabled a customer booking with an account will be required to provide a signature on the driver's device.
- Email:
- Send Email When Payment Successful: Enable to send an email to an account customer when their payment is successful.
- Send Email When Payment Fails: Enable to send an email to an account customer when their payment fails.
- Send Email on Credit Stop: Enable sending an email to an account customer when their account credit has been stopped.
- Display Price/Cost On Booking Screen Mode: Select if the price or cost should be on the booking screen for account bookings.
- Variable Price Fixed (Excluding As Directed): Enable to fix the variable price for any bookings that aren't 'as directed'.
- Override Force Shout For Fixed Tariff: Enable to clear jobs without a driver shout if the fixed price matches.
- Automatic Price/Cost Recalculation On Shout Mode: Account bookings will be recalculated automatically when in shout mode.
- Waiting Time Minutes Free: Set how much waiting time an account customer can have for free.
- Surcharge (Price): The settings here will apply a surcharge on top of an account booking price.
- Surcharge Type: Select the surcharge value type.
- Surcharge Value: Enter the value of the surcharge.
- Round-Up To Nearest: Set the nearest decimal place to round the surcharge up to (E.g. 0.01).
- Surcharge (Cost): The settings here will apply a surcharge on top of an account booking cost.
- Surcharge Type: Select the surcharge value type.
- Surcharge Value: Enter the value of the surcharge.
- Round-Up To Nearest: Set the nearest decimal place to round the surcharge up to (E.g. 0.01).
- Gratuity Setting Type: Select the gratuity type.
- Gratuity Setting Value: Enter the gratuity value.
- Automatic Price/Cost Recalculation In Accounts: Select if an account booking should be recalculated if any of the fields have been changed while in the job processor.
- Confirm Automatic Price/Cost Recalculation: Enable to require confirmation when automatically recalculating a booking's price/cost.
- iGo Pricing: Select if account bookings from iGo should use your system pricing or vendor pricing.
- iGo Pricing Surcharge Mode: Enable to add a separate surcharge for iGo bookings.
- EBP Bank Details: This is for adding the Electronic Bank Payment (EBP) bank details of a 3rd party bank.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Bank Code: The bank code.
- EBP Account Work: This is for adding the EBP Account Work details of a 3rd party account.
- Account Reference: Your individual account reference number.
- Payout Code: The code for recording money paid out of the account.
- Payin Code: The code for recording money paid into the account.
- Journal Code: The journal code for a record of the business transactions.
- Currency: The currency customers should be billed in.
- Sage:
- Sage Settings:
- Account Settings: Add your Sage account settings here if you bill customers through Sage.
- Sage Version: Select which version of Sage you are using.
- Auto-Populate Account Reference: Enable to automatically populate the account reference field on customer accounts.
- Export Credit Note to Sage: Enable to automatically export a credit note to sage.
- Sage Settings: