The Transaction Templates screen allows you to set up different charges for your Drivers & Vehicles.
This is useful for charging your drivers monthly or weekly rent, uniform hire, insurance or other charges.
To access this screen:
- Click on Transaction Templates from the Settings > Drivers & Vehicles dropdown menu.
Add transaction templates
To add a new transaction template:
- Click on the Add button on the right-hand side.
- Enter the required details (marked with an asterisk *):
Description: Enter a unique description for the template.
Type: Select if the charge will be by credit or debit (A Credit transaction will be credited to the driver or vehicle when they are processed, whereas a Debit will be an amount deducted).
Tax Rate: Select a tax rate if you require tax to be added on top of the charge.
Tax Mode: Select the tax mode (Inclusive – Charged to the driver/vehicle as part of the Default Value. Exclusive – Charged to the driver/vehicle on top of the Default Value).
Default Value: Set the value to be charged.
Category: Select which type of charge this transaction will be. - Then click Create.
Note: The transaction template will need to be assigned to a Group Transaction before it can be used by drivers.