The Driver Accounts screen allows you to control the money that is owed by or owed to drivers.
To access this screen:
- Click on the Job Processor dropdown menu.
To filter the driver accounts table:
- Configure your filter panel options on the right-hand side.
- Then click Search.
The driver accounts table will then be populated based on your filter criteria.
Process driver
To process a driver:
- Select a driver account.
- Click the Process button in the bottom right.
- Check the account transactions:
Amount Paid By Driver: If the driver has already paid their balance, enter the amount here.
Send As Email: Enable to send a copy of the driver sheet by email to the driver.
Process Dockets Only: Enable to only process the dockets and not the transactions.
Note: When you process a driver their balance will be updated as any transactions attached to the driver account will be applied. - Then click Process.
Note: You can also process every driver account at once by clicking on the 'Process All' button.
View account transactions
To view the transactions made on a driver account:
- Select a driver account.
- Then double-click on the account.
View account dockets
To view the dockets on a driver account:
- Select a driver account.
- Then click on the Dockets button.
This will then display the dockets for the selected driver account. Here you can perform the same actions provided on the Dockets Checks & Posting screen.
Additional Actions
The following actions can be used:
- All Totals: Click to view the totals for all the driver accounts combined.
- Pay In / Out: Click to pay a monetary value into or out of a driver account.
- Adjustments: Click to make adjustments to the amount owed by a driver.
- Notes: Click to add a note to the driver account.
- Transactions: Click to view all the transactions for a driver account.
- Dockets: Click to view all the dockets for a driver account.
- Draft Process: Select an account and then click the 'Draft Process' button to create a draft process.
- Draft Process All: Click to create a draft process for all the driver accounts.