Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for 365 Booking & Dispatch.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend always updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you within 365 Booking & Dispatch will depend on your company's configuration of the product, and the current version you are using.
Note: The minimum version of Ghost required is 16.000.263 or later.
What's New
Clear Rejected Vehicles Shortcut
Operators can now clear the rejected vehicles field by pressing Shift+R while focused on a dispatch screen booking.
Cancellation Reason
If the ‘Require Cancellation Reason’ setting is enabled within 365 Accounts > Settings > General > ‘Jobs’ Tab, operators will now need to provide a cancellation reason when trying to cancel a dispatched job (Vehicle Number + G Command).
Form Groups Support
The following groups can now be seen while viewing active, advanced, and dispatched bookings:
- Pricing
- Record
- Cab Exchange
- Miscellaneous (Dispatched Bookings only)
To customise the following above, you can use the ‘Customise Form‘ modal.
Note: The booking form customisation may need to be reset after updating to the latest version.
Note: The (Edit) icon will only be visible if it is a form group.
If you press G while focused on a group/section, another modal will be displayed that contains the group fields.
Advanced Bookings / Suspension
The advanced bookings/suspension feature has now been improved to include:
Advanced Bookings
Now only advanced bookings and repeat bookings that are not skipped or suspended are shown in the list by default.
There are also the following additional filters:
- F1: Toggle to show repeat bookings only.
- F2: Toggle to include skipped and suspended bookings.
Note: The S shortcut is only visible/available when focused on a repeat booking.
The popup for this shortcut has also been updated to only include:
- F1: Skip Repeat Booking.
- F2: Add Booking Suspension.
- F3: Change Booking Suspensions.
Add Booking Suspension
The F2 command can now be used to create a booking suspension, which is then applied to selected repeat bookings.
Note: If the ‘Add to Templates’ checkbox is ticked, this means that the template can be applied to other advanced repeat bookings. If unticked, it will only be applied to that selected repeat booking.
Change Booking Suspensions
The F3 shortcut now displays the Change Booking Suspensions popup, which can be used to view available group/section suspensions.
Shortcut Keys:
- Left/Right Arrow Keys: Navigate between Groups, Templates, and This Booking Only tables.
- Up/Down Arrow Keys: Move up and down through the table rows.
- Spacebar: Toggle selection of suspension/suspension group
- End: Saves the changes and closes the popup.
- Esc: Close the modal without saving the changes.
If a suspension/suspension group is selected, it will be highlighted in a dark colour, and if a suspension is part of the suspension group selected, it will be highlighted in a grey colour.
The days highlighted in green are the days that the selected booking is repeating. The days highlighted in red are the suspended days.
Edit Repeat Booking
There is now the Date Range (Shortcut R) option added for when editing repeat bookings.
When clicked on, you will be presented with the Date Range popup, where you can then edit the date range for the repeated booking.
Note: When editing the date range, a new repeat booking is created and the original repeat booking will be suspended.
Suspensions / Suspension Groups Management
You can now manage suspensions and suspension groups by pressing M while on the Advanced Bookings screen.
Manual Dispatch
Added a ‘Manual Dispatch’ vehicle command D.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If a repeat booking was skipped for a particular day, e,g. on Friday, it looked like the booking was being skipped for every Friday instead of the upcoming Friday.
- Fixed: Skipped/Suspended advanced repeat bookings were not included in the bookings count in the time bar.
- Fixed: No more gaps in address results if there is more than 1 custom address returned by the Streets Database search.
- Fixed: Form customization issue where the focus was not kept on the selected row when using F1/F2 to move the row.
- Fixed: Add missing columns to the ‘Exchanged Bookings’ and ‘Dispatched Bookings’ screen.