Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for 365 Booking & Dispatch.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend always updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you within 365 Booking & Dispatch will depend on your company's configuration of the product, and the current version you are using.
Note: The minimum version of Ghost required is 16.000.454 or later.
What's New
A new softphone has now been embedded into 365B&D and can be opened using F12.
Driver Details
Added a 'driver suspension history' which can be accessed using the H key shortcut.
Booking Form
The telephone call button can now be clicked on when viewing a live booking.
Call Passenger
Added a ‘Call Passenger’ button in archived bookings and dockets.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Repeat days ‘insert manual price’ issue when editing a repeat for 1 day. The manual price is no longer applied to all repeat bookings.
- Fixed: Repeat day issue where a user could not autocomplete or set the dispatch due time to override to a repeat booking that has dropped down to active.
- Fixed: Zones grid issue when zooming in/out of the B&D app using Ctrl key and scroll wheel.
- Fixed: Limit the number of requests sent when a user makes any customisations.
- Fixed: The booking form ‘Time Vehicle Arrived’ field now shows the arrival time.
- Fixed: Booking form layout issue with the change history when zoomed out at 80%
- Fixed: Booking form 'Price Comparison' fields issue where the distances were always being shown as 0.
- Fixed: Return bookings now show the date as well in the table if the return time is on a different date.
- Fixed: The Date Picker daylight savings issue when entering the day by using the keyboard.
- Fixed: The Advanced Bookings issue where the wrong bookings were being shown when the selected date was on/after the daylight savings dates.
- Fixed: Add colour support for the ‘Company’ columns.