If you're new to 365 Booking & Dispatch (B&D), then this list should come in handy as a reference cheat sheet. It is by no means comprehensive, however, it will provide you with a strong start for learning all the available shortcuts and basic functions used by B&D operators.
Address Search
Streets Database
To search for an address (e.g. pickup, via, destination) while using the Streets Database: Enter the "House Number", followed by a space, then enter the first few letters of the address followed by the "Search Type".
- A customer wants to be picked up from "34 Radford Road". To find this address you would enter "34", then a space, then "RADRE".
- A customer wants to be dropped off at "1 RG14 7DL". To find this address you would enter "1", then a space, then "RG147DL#".
Search Types:
- #: For postcodes
- X: For commercial addresses or well-known addresses
- N: For national (e.g. a city, town and areas)
- R: For road or rise
- S: For street or square
- C: For crescent, close, or cul de Sac
- L: For lane or lea
- H: For hill
- G: For garden, green, or grove
- A: For avenue
- P: For place
- Z: For all search types
Note: If the address is outside of your local area, then press F12 to extend the search to a national search.
Google Search
To search for an address (e.g. pickup, via, destination) while using Google Search: Start typing the address into an address field. You will then be presented with 5 matching address suggestions from Google, as well as, up to 5 custom addresses (well-known addresses). You can then select a matching address to populate the address field.
Note: The matched addresses will be more accurate if you enter the full address.
Driver Statuses
The following messages can be sent by drivers to inform operators of their current status or requests. Operators can then clear or reply to the messages by pressing the "Home" key.
Status Message | Description |
Start | A driver is requesting to start their shift. |
Finish | A driver is requesting to finish their shift. |
Bid Request | A driver is bidding on a pre-booking. |
Break Request | A driver is requesting to go on break. |
Yes | A quick reply to an operator's message. |
No | A quick reply to an operator's message. |
No Fare | A driver has marked a booking stage as no-fared. |
Voice Request | A driver is requesting a voice call from an operator. |
Advance Booking | A driver is requesting an advanced booking. |
Recover | A driver is requesting a booking to be recovered. |
Emergency | A driver is in an emergency. |
Vehicle Statuses
The following statuses will be displayed on B&D to indicate a vehicle's current status. In order from left to right, there are:
Status | Description |
Active | The number of vehicles that are active. |
Warnings | The number of vehicles with warnings. |
Clear | The number of vehicles clear from any jobs. |
Busy | The number of busy vehicles en route to a pickup point. |
Picked Up | The number of vehicles that have picked up the customer. |
Soon to Clear | The number of vehicles that are soon to be clear of a job. |
Unavailable | The number of vehicles that are unavailable (break). |
Total | The total number of vehicles. |
Map Icons
Icon / Status | Description |
A vehicle that is clear and available for another job. |
A clear vehicle that is in the process of having a job dispatched to it. |
A busy vehicle en route to pick up the passenger(s). |
A vehicle has arrived and is now awaiting the passenger(s) to be on board. |
A vehicle with the passenger(s) on board. |
A vehicle with the passenger(s) on board while on an "Account" job. |
A busy vehicle with a "Street Pickup" job. |
A busy vehicle that is soon to clear from a non-account job. |
A busy vehicle that is soon to clear from an "Account" job. |
A busy vehicle that is soon to clear from a "Street Pickup" job. |
A vehicle on a short break. |
A vehicle on a long break. |
A vehicle with an active penalty. |
A vehicle that has just had a "No Fare" or has had the dispatched job cancelled by an operator. |
A vehicle is in destination mode. |
Shortcuts Bar
At the bottom of the screen, shortcuts will be displayed for the current screen you're on.
Capability/ Company Filters
By pressing the "F" key, you can select to filter B&D by specific capabilities or companies on your system.
Vehicle Shortcuts
You can then access relevant shortcuts by typing a vehicle's callsign while on the "Dispatch" screen.
Shortcut | Description |
Account (A) | Clear the vehicle from an "Account" job by entering fare and mileage details. |
Clear (C) | Clear the vehicle from a job. |
Dispatch Vehicle (Manual) (D) | Manually dispatch a job to the vehicle. |
Request Vehicle (E) | Request the vehicle for a job. |
Cancel Dispatched (G) | Cancel the dispatched job and clear the vehicle. |
Remove Driver Message (Home) | Remove the last driver message sent to the vehicle. |
Jobs (J) | View all the jobs completed by using this vehicle. |
Finish (F) | End the vehicle's shift on the system. |
Locate (L) | Find the vehicle’s current location on the map. |
Mobile (M) | Force the vehicle into the POB (Passenger On Board) status. |
No Fare (N) | Clear the vehicle and put it at the top of the queue. |
Plot (P) | Move the vehicle to a different zone or plot. |
Query (Q) | Bring up the current status of the vehicle. |
Recover (R) | Recover the vehicle’s current job back onto the system. |
Remove Penalty (U) | Remove an active penalty from the vehicle. |
Start (S) | Start the vehicle's shift on the system. |
Ringback (T) | Perform a ringback request on behalf of the vehicle's driver. |
Voice (V) | Call the MDT device in the vehicle. |
General Shortcuts
Dispatch Screen
The following shortcuts are available when on the Dispatch screen.
Shortcut | Description |
F1 | Decrease the zones visual size. |
F2 | Increase the zones visual size. |
F3 | Show fewer zones. |
F4 | Show more zones. |
Ctrl + Up/Down Arrows | Scroll through the zones. |
Z | Display the zones list view. |
M | Display the zones map view. |
Spacebar | Open the Booking Form screen. |
B | Open the Advanced Bookings screen. |
A | Focus on the active bookings table. |
D | Open the Dispatched Bookings screen. |
Ctrl + I | Toggle zones IVR. |
Shift + W | Open the Wall Status screen. |
Shift + Z | Open the Zone Overview. |
F8 + F1 | Open the Data Log History. |
The following shortcuts are available by pressing the "S" key when on the Dispatch screen.
Shortcut | Description |
S | Open the search list. |
S (with search list open) | Open the Global Search screen. |
B (with search list open) | Open the Booking Zone Stats search. |
1 (with search list open) | Open the Completed bookings search. |
2 (with search list open) | Open the Cancelled bookings search. |
3 (with search list open) | Open the No Fare bookings search. |
4 (with search list open) | Open the Recovered bookings search. |
5 (with search list open) | Open the Skipped/ Suspended bookings search. |
6 (with search list open) | Open the Customer Dockets search. |
7 (with search list open) | Open the Exchanged bookings search. |
8 (with search list open) | Open the Dispatched bookings search. |
Driver Messages
The following shortcuts are available by pressing the "F9" key when on the Dispatch screen.
Shortcut | Description |
F1 |
Create a new driver message. |
F2 |
Duplicate the last driver message. |
F3 | View the driver message history. |
F4 | Create a new driver text message. |
F5 | View the notification history of drivers and/or customers. |
Operator Messages
The following shortcuts are available by pressing the "F11" key when on the Dispatch screen.
Shortcut | Description |
F1 | Create a new operator message. |
F2 | Remove the last operator message. |
F3 | View the operator message history. |
Booking Form
The following shortcuts are available when on the Booking Form screen.
Shortcut | Description |
Enter | Tab | Down Arrow | Navigate down the form. |
Up Arrow | Navigate up the form. |
End | Create or update the booking. |
Esc | Clear the form / exit the booking form. |
F9 | Open the selection popup for certain fields. |
F1 | Open the CLI options to toggle IVR, CLI, etc. |
F9 | Open the previous booking. |
Shift + F4 | Set the zone. |
Active table
The following shortcuts are available when a booking has been selected on the Dispatch screen.
Shortcut | Description |
E | Edit the selected booking. |
C | Cancel the selected booking. |
T | Set a new dispatch due time for a booking. |
R | Release the selected booking to drivers. |
V | Enter | View the booking details. |
L | Locate the selected booking. |
Advanced Repeat Bookings
The following shortcuts are available by pressing the "S" key when on the Advanced Bookings screen.
Shortcut | Description |
F1 | Skip the selected repeat booking |
F2 | Add booking suspension. |
F3 | Change booking suspensions. |
M | Manage suspensions. |