The Group Transactions screen allows you to set up charges that can be applied to groups of drivers and or vehicles.
This is useful for charging multiple drivers/vehicles when being processed through accounts.
To access this screen:
- Click on the Group Transactions button from Accounts > Driver Accounts > Configuration.
Add group transaction
To add a new group transaction:
- Click on the New button at the top.
- Enter the required group transaction details:
Description: Enter a unique description for the group transaction.
Commission Tax Rate: Enable to add a tax rate to charge to the driver/vehicle commission.
Commission Charges Are On Docket Count:
Commission Charges Are Incremental: Enable this to increase the commission charges incrementally.
Commission Fees: Select additional fees to be added to the commission. - Click to Add (+) your commission charges.
For example, here we have added a 10% commission for all job types. - Next, click to Add (+) your transactions.
Note: The fields are automatically populated based on the template selected, however, you may change the Value field to another monetary value (E.g. £50, £100, etc). - Then click OK.
Once you've created a new Group Transaction, you can then add it to a Driver or Vehicle account.
Note: If you don’t charge a commission to your drivers, you can leave the Commission Charges blank and just use the Transactions.