The Accounts Portal allows you to onboard new account customers and can provide additional jobs for your drivers.
Fully integrated with our Ebooker, Passenger App and Booking and Dispatch technology, our Accounts Portal simplifies the taxi booking process and provides your corporate customers complete control and visibility.
Getting started with the Corporate Accounts Portal? Follow this guide to learn the basics so you can get started. Included in this guide:
- Activation of your Accounts Portal
- Accessing the portal
- Creating your first corporate account
- Configuring your travel programs
- Adding departments to an account
- Adding passengers to an account
- You have set up a customer's Corporate Account in Ghost or 365 Accounts.
- You have enabled the "Identifier" in the customer's Corporate Account "Cab Exchange Options".
Activation of your Accounts Portal
After you've been onboarded by our team and had your Corporate Accounts Portal (CAP) enabled, you will receive an invitation by email to activate your account.
To activate your account:
- Click on the Activation Link on the email.
- Enter a new password for your account.
- Then click Set Password.
Once done you will be redirected to the login screen of the Accounts Portal.
Accessing the portal
To login to the Accounts Portal:
- Check the URL includes your Company ID.
Note: Your company ID should be prepended by the number 3 (e.g. 30053, 36125).
For example - Enter your username (email) and the password you set.
- Then click Go.
Creating your first corporate account
The first thing you will see once logged in is the Accounts screen. This of course will be empty and your first step is to create a new account.
Note: The way you choose to set up your accounts may differ depending on each customer. However, the below methods are most typically used:
- A: Create a single "Master" account and include within this the customer departments.
- B: Create multiple accounts for the same customer by splitting up the departments into their own accounts.
For example, you may have a university account and set up the accounts as:
- A: Manchester University, access the account, then add the departments.
- B: Manchester University - Sports, Manchester University - Computing, Manchester University - Arts.
Adding an account
To add a new account:
- Click on the Add button.
Enter the account details and set up the account:
Enabled/ Disabled: Click to enable the account.
Company Name: Enter the company’s display name (e.g. Manchester University).
Login Email: Enter the email address of the user managing this account.
Virtual Card Client ID: This allows you to add a virtual credit card ID.
Office Notes: Add any notes for this account.
Invoice Mode: Billing - Standard invoices will be issued, Credit Card - Passengers will be required to add a credit card before they can book jobs on the account. - Enter the company’s identifier code from their corporate account.
Note: The identifier code is required to link the account with your Ghost system and other products. - Then click to Add the new account.
An account activation email will be sent to the email address associated with the newly created account.
To access the new account:
- Double-click on the account.
- Then click Access Profile.
Configuring your travel programs
The next step is to configure the Travel Programs. These are sets of rules that can be created and applied to the Passengers and Departments.
The rules and restrictions may be location-based, time-based or vehicle capability-based and you can even set up allowances for spending and the number of rides.
To access the Travel Program screen, click on the Admin button in the bottom left-hand corner, and then click on Travel Programs.
Adding travel programs
To add a new travel program:
- Click on the Add button.
This will then load the Add Travel Program popup and the Details tab. Here you can:
- Enable or Disable the travel program.
- Payment Method: Set the payment method that will be allowed for bookings using this travel program.
- Name: The name of the travel program.
- Description: The description of the travel program.
- Start/End Date: Set when the program should start and end.
- Next click on the Booking Limits tab.
Booking Limits
This is where you can set different types of booking limits for your travel program.
This booking limit allows you to restrict the locations where the travel program can be used.
To add a location restriction:
- Click on the Add button.
- Then configure the location:
Location Search: Enter an address to search for it and set it as the location (or click on the map to set it manually).
Name: The name of the location.
Address Text: Here you can add additional address details.
Radius in Meters: The radius in which a travel program booking can be made within.
From/To: This can be used to set if the passenger can book from or to, from and to, or either for the given location. - Once configured simply click Confirm.
This booking limit allows you to restrict the timeframes in which the travel program can be used in.
To add a time restriction:
- Click on the Add button.
- Then configure the timeframe:
Days: The days on which the travel program is available.
Start/End Times: The timeframe in which this travel program can be used. - Once configured simply click Confirm.
This booking limit allows you to restrict the vehicle type with which the travel program can be used.
To set a vehicle restriction:
- Simply select or deselect a vehicle type.
Note: You can also click the (i) icon to view the vehicle details.
Note: You can delete a booking limit by double-clicking on it and then clicking Delete.
This section allows you to set budgets and ride amounts for a travel program:
- Approval Only: Set if this travel program requires approval by an approver when booking.
- Require Manual Approval If Any Limit Is Surpassed: Set if approval is required if a passenger surpasses a limit.
- Allowance Type: Set if the allowance type is for individual passengers or shared between them.
- Spending Allowance: How much can be spent on this travel program.
- Amount: The monetary value.
- Type: The allowance reset frequency.
- Number of Rides Allowance: How many rides can be booked on this travel program.
- Rides: The number of rides.
- Type: The allowance reset frequency.
This section allows you to set up questions and answers that are required for validation when passengers book using this travel program.
To add a validation question:
- Click on the Add button.
- Configure your question and answers:
Question Title: The question should be added here.
Free Type: This allows a user to type the answer freely.
Exact Match: This means the user’s answer must match exactly to the set answer.
Select from list: This allows users to select answers from a list.
Exact Match Hidden: This means the user’s answer must match exactly to the set answer, however, answers will be hidden.
Regex Pattern: This allows you to set a custom regex pattern as the answer.
New Answer: Here you will add the question-answer.
Upload Answers: This allows you to upload answers, rather than typing them manually.
For example, here’s a question set to Exact Match with two answers.
Note: You can remove an answer by clicking on the (x) button. - Then click Confirm to save the question.
Note: Once you've set up your Travel Programs, you will then need to add them to your Passenger and Department profiles so they can be used.
Adding departments to an account
You can now add the customer's departments to their account.
This screen can be accessed by clicking on People from the left-hand menu and then clicking on the Departments tab.
Adding a department
To add a new department:
- Click on the Add button.
- Enter the department details:
Enabled/ Disabled: Click to enable or disable the department.
Name: Enter the department name (e.g. Finance).
Description: Provide a short description to describe the department.
Travel Programs: Select any travel programs that should apply to the department.
Booking Templates: Select any booking templates to be shown on the department.
Bookers: Select any passengers that can place bookings through the department.
Approvers: Select any passengers that can approve bookings made by bookers.
Managers: Select any passengers that can access and manage the department.
Note: You won't be able to select any Travel Programs or Booking Templates unless you've already set them up, and Bookers, Approvers, and Managers can only be selected after adding passengers to an account. - Then click Save.
Adding passengers to an account
Lastly, you will now want to add the passengers to the account.
This screen can be accessed by clicking on People from the left-hand menu and then clicking on the Passengers tab.
Adding a passenger
To add a new passenger:
- Click on the Add button.
- Enter the passenger details.
Note: You won't be able to select any Travel Programs or Booking Templates unless you've already set them up, and Bookers, Approvers, and Managers can only be selected after adding passengers to an account. - Then click Save.
An account activation email will be sent to the email address associated with the newly created passenger.
Next steps
- Configure user Roles.
- Check your account Settings.
- Enter any company details on the Business Profile.
To find out more about using the Accounts portal, please read through our documentation or use the built-in help pages.