The User Permissions screen allows you to create custom roles for your users and configure their permissions.
This is useful for restricting access to certain products, features, and actions.
To access this screen:
- Click on the User Permissions button from Management.
Add user permissions
To add new user permissions:
- Click on the New button at the top.
- Configure the user permission settings.
- Then click OK.
The following settings can be configured:
- Name: Enter the name of the user permission (role).
- Account permissions: Click to edit and select permissions for Accounts.
- Booking permissions: Click to edit and select permissions for Booking.
- Management permissions: Click to edit and select permissions for Management.
- Telephony permissions: Click to edit and select permissions for the telephone system.
- Miscellaneous permissions: Click to edit and select permissions for miscellaneous options.
- Company filter: Click select which company this role is assigned to.
- Default booking template: If required, select which booking template should be loaded by default for users with this role.
- Exclude calls from statistics: Check to remove calls made by users with this role from the call statistics report.
- Show Booking Tags: Check to display booking tags to users with this role assigned.
- Can only connect from IPs present on Valued List: Check if users with this role can only connect to the system from IP addresses on the Valued List.