The Companies screen allows you to add and manage multiple companies using the same system.
To access this screen:
- Click on the Companies button from Management.
Add a company
To add a new company:
- Click on the New button at the top.
- Enter any required company details.
- Then click OK.
The following settings can be configured:
- Name: The name of the company.
- Address: Enter the company's full address details.
- Coordinate: Enter the latitude and longitude of the address.
- Telephone Number: The company's telephone number.
- Fax Number: The company's fax number.
- Email Address: Enter the main email address for the company.
- Website: Add the company website URL.
- VAT Number: The company's VAT number is typically shown on an invoice.
- Registered Number: The company's registered number.
- Company Code: Enter a unique code for the company or leave blank.
- Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable this company.
Caller ID
- Called IDs: Add custom caller IDs for company numbers.
- Ringback Mode: Select if ringback mode is enabled or disabled for this company.
- Ringback Caller ID: Here you can enter the company's main landline number.
Address Database
- Local Address Centre Coordinate: Enter the coordinates of the company office.
- Local Address Area Width (km): Enter the area width to restrict the address search to only this area.
- Local Address Area Height (km): Enter the area height to restrict the address search to only this area.
- Email Settings:
- SMTP Host: Enter the host email address of your SMTP provider (E.g. Gmail's SMTP host is
- SMTP Port: Enter the port of your SMTP provider.
- SMTP Username: Enter the username of your SMTP provider.
- SMTP Password: Enter the password for your SMTP provider.
- Enable SSL: If required, enable SSL to ensure your emails are sent securely.
- From Address: Enter the email address that the system will send emails from.
- HTML Enabled: If required, enable this to allow HTML on your emails.
- Override Customer Accounts: Enable to add a custom email provider for customer accounts only.
- Override Driver Accounts: Enable to add a custom email provider for driver accounts only.
- Textback Mode: Select if textback mode is enabled or disabled for this company.
- Passenger App Download URL: Enter the app store URL for your passenger app.
- Identifying Colour: Click to add a custom colour for this company.
- Dispatch to other companies: Click to add other companies to dispatch jobs to that this company receives.
- MDT Time Zone: Select which timezone this company operates in.
Booking Receipt (Classic Mobile App)
- Email Header: Enter custom text to be shown in the email header when sending an app booking receipt.
- Email Footer: Enter custom text to be shown in the email footer when sending an app booking receipt.