Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for 365 Booking & Dispatch.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of 365 Booking & Dispatch you're using.
Note: The minimum version of Ghost required is 18.000.304 or later.
What's New
Softphone: adjustable ringer volume
You can now adjust how loud the ringer volume is when using the Softphone. This setting can be accessed by clicking the (Cog) icon on the softphone dial pad.
Moveable pop-ups
You can now click and drag the top of any pop-ups to move them around on your screen.
Card payments
The following improvements have been made to the card payment option shown when pressing F10 on the Booking Form:
- If a card payment has been taken, the Account field will automatically populate with "< Easy Pay > (EZP)" and will be read-only.
- You can no longer add card payments to an outbound or return journey that is already active.
- If the Show Authorise Option setting is disabled for credit cards within Payments, the Authorise and Payments options will be hidden when taking payment.
- If the CV2 setting is disabled for credit cards within Payments, the CV2 field will be hidden when taking payment.
Emergency message
Closing an emergency message pop-up will no longer remove it from the Driver Messages panel.
Permission required
Added missing "Permission is required" pop-ups for when a user tries to use or access features they don't have permission to use:
Access: Print Booking Receipts: The "Permission is required" pop-up will show when Ctrl+F8 is pressed whilst viewing/editing a booking screen to send a booking receipt.
Access: Reassign Booking: The "Permission is required" pop-up will show when Ctrl+O is pressed whilst focused on an active booking in the table to override the company.
Bookings: Allow IVR toggle on bookings: The "Permission is required" pop-up will show when trying to view the IVR tab in the CLI options after pressing F1 on the Booking Form.
Bookings: Allow ringback toggle on bookings with mobile numbers: The "Permission is required" pop-up will show when trying to use the ringback option for toggling ringback/textback on mobile numbers.
- Bookings: Allow ringback/textback toggle on bookings: The "Permission is required" pop-up will show when trying to toggle ringback/textback in the CLI options.
- Text Message: Send ALL drivers a text message: The "Permission is required" pop-up will show when trying to send a message to all drivers.
Accounts mandatory fields
After changing the answer for an account's mandatory field on the Booking Form, you will no longer need to select the account again to save the changes.
Account passwords: sort mode
If a selected account has got multiple passwords, they will be sorted based on the Password Sort Mode setting in the account settings.
Added new account settings:
- Sorted: Passwords will be sorted alphanumerically (default).
- Not Sorted: Passwords will be displayed in the same order as on the account.
Global search: loading speed
Changes have been made to the Global Search feature to speed up the time between displaying search results.
Map icon colours
If a vehicle is on a long break or within a special zone (unavailable vehicles), it will now be displayed on the map with a grey border around it.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: An issue with address booking tags not working if the address type
was set as Freetype. - Fixed: An issue with the price not updating correctly on the F10 pop-up on a
system that is configured to have specific tariffs for F10 bookings. - Fixed: The new incremental release code API was causing release codes to be added to jobs incorrectly.
- Fixed: When selecting the Return Time on a booking, the return date/time field was disabled.
- Fixed: When trying to customise a table, the search function wouldn't work if the system was set to a different locale other than EN-GB.
- Fixed: An issue causing operators to receive operator messages even if the "Receive Operator Messages" setting was turned off.
- Fixed: An issue with the time zone feature where the label for the pick-up time field was showing as "undefined".
- Fixed: If the user does not have the "Bookings: Add/Edit/Cancel Repeat booking" permission then they are no longer able to add, edit or cancel a repeat booking.
- Fixed: An issue causing the repeat booking pop-up to not close when clicking the X icon and instead taking you into the booking in edit mode.
- Fixed: An issue causing an incorrect route to be shown when the route calculation option "Use quickest route for journeys further than" is used.
- Fixed: When clicking on the map to dispatch a vehicle for an active booking, the Request Vehicle pop-up would still show even if the booking has been cancelled or completed.
- Fixed: When turning on/off the "Map Click Dispatch" setting, it would work the same as if it was using the "On (Without Confirmation)" option until the screen was refreshed.
- Fixed: When clearing a zone from the Hold/Release Zones pop-up, the zone is still selected on the zone view.
- Fixed: The Call Passenger option for the integrated Softphone was ringing once but not calling the phone number.
- Fixed: An issue causing the vehicle tracking screen to show an incorrect vehicle speed.
- Fixed: The Ctrl+X shortcut was displayed even when the Cab Exchange option was disabled.
- Fixed: If a company DDI was not linked in the company settings when making a booking via the CLI records, the Company field was cleared when answering the call.
- Fixed: When a user was interacting with the map on the Locate Booking screen, the map was moving when it should be fixed in place.
- Fixed: When exporting results from the Global Search, the Company ID field was showing the numeric ID rather than the name.