Here you will find the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for 365 Booking & Dispatch.
To ensure you have the best experience using our product, we recommend updating to the latest version available.
Note: The features available to you will depend on the configuration and the current version of 365 Booking & Dispatch you're using.
Booking form: loyalty card field
When entering a loyalty card on the Booking Form, the 'Loyalty Card' field will now display a dropdown for matching cards you can select.
Vehicle query: new fields
Added the following fields to the vehicle query screen:
- Driver
- Name
- Capabilities
- Company
- Vehicle
- Capabilities
Booking form: address search
Added 'Zone name' as an optional customisation field to the address search table.
Driver message history: copy message
You can now copy a driver's message by right-clicking on a message in the driver message history (Dispatch > F9 > F2).
Booking form: text keyword
Added 'Text keyword' as an optional customisation field to the Booking Form.
Norwegian keyboard layout
Added support for Norwegian keyboard layout and using special keys via Shift key.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The zone colour is showing on the pick-up field in the bookings table, but not the destination field.
- Fixed: When you change the booking date from the new calendar option, the tariff is not updated.
- Fixed: The 'Read' status for operator messages is showing as 'false' even after an operator has read the message.
- Fixed: An issue with Account (Legacy) 'Pricing: Manually modify' permission where when disabled users could still manually insert a price.
- Fixed: An issue that caused the vehicle callsigns to be case-sensitive.
- Fixed: An issue where vehicle markers would not be removed from the map view if a vehicle went offline while the operator was making a booking.