Cancellation fees serve as a source of additional revenue by compensating drivers for their time and potential losses when passengers cancel last minute. To set up cancellation fees
Settings in 365 Accounts
Firstly, you must check your settings in Accounts are set so that Cancelled and No Fare jobs can be inserted into the job processor.
- In 365 Accounts, go to Settings > General Settings > Jobs.
- Under the Job Insert Mode section, check to enable No Fare and Cancelled.
- Click Save.
Cancellation Fees on a Tariff
In Management, before creating your No Fare and Cancellation tariff, you must first edit your Default Tariff.
Editing your Default Tariff
- In Management, go to Pricing and Payments > Tariffs > Variable and open your default tariff, e.g. Default Cash & Account. This is to ensure your Cancellation Fees tariff works correctly. Double-click on the tariff to open.
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Locate the Applies to Docket Source section. Ensure that the Cancelled Booking and No Fare Booking options are toggled OFF. However, we recommend toggling on the Completed Booking setting, if not enabled already. This is because these settings will be used in your new Cancellation Fees tariff and having them enabled here will cause issues.
- Go to the Test and Set Live tab.
- Select the Save button to implement your changes.
The next steps involve creating a new tariff where you will configure the settings for Cancellation and No Fare fees:
Creating your Cancellation Fees Tariff
In Variable Tariffs, click the + Add button to create a new tariff.
Details Tab
This tab features basic details about the tariff, including name and description, making the tariff easily identifiable for users of your system.
- Give your tariff a suitable name in the Tariff Name field, for example, "Cancellation and No Fare Fees".
- Under Short Name, enter an applicable shortened name for your tariff, e.g. "C_Fees".
- Optionally, you can add a description to your tariff so other users of the system understand what this tariff is and its purpose.
- Select the Booking Type as Bookings Only. This is so that any cancelled or no-fare bookings receive cancellation fees.
- Click the Next button to continue.
Time & Location Tab
In this tab, you can restrict your tariff to only apply when certain conditions are met, such as certain locations, times or passenger numbers.
No settings in this section are required for configuring cancellation fees. However, you may want to restrict this tariff to busy times, for example, city centre weekends, so passengers are charged fees only if they cancel/no fare during this time.
Job Types Tab
In this section, you specify the type of jobs where the tariff should apply.
- Uncheck the Default setting. This is because we need to toggle on the Accounts setting.
- Toggle on the Accounts setting.
- Click the Apply to Accounts button.
- Under Variable Tariff Mode, select the Use Both Default and Selected Tariffs option. This is because the account(s) you select can use any tariff that is set to the default option, as well as, any that are applied to them.
- Select an account or multiple from the list to assign the tariff to them. Click on the account in the table to highlight and select that account. You must select at least one account.
- Once you have selected the account(s), press Confirm to continue.
- Click the Next button to continue.
Settings Tab
This section lets you configure any additional charges, discounts, or special conditions that should be applied to the tariff.
- Under Applies to Docket Source, toggle on the settings Cancelled Booking and No Fare Booking. This is so that the tariff applies to cancelled and no fare bookings. Make sure that the Completed Booking option is disabled.
- Optionally, you can configure Free Cancellation Minutes. This setting only charges the passenger the cancellation fee if they cancel after the minutes configured in this setting have passed after the booking was dispatched.
- You can also optionally configure Lateness Tolerance (mins). This setting checks if a booking is late by the set number of minutes or more. If it is, the passenger is not charged for a cancellation or no fare.
- Click the Next button to continue.
Fare Tab
In this section, you must either select a Fare Settings template from the list or create custom fare settings for this tariff. This is important as it is what the passenger will be charged if they cancel/no fare their booking.
Once you have either selected a template or created customs settings, press Next to continue.
Zone Charges
This section allows you to set an amount to be charged if you have any specific locations where extra charges are needed for driving through. This is useful for tolls, congestion and emission zones, etc. No configuration in this section is required for cancellation fees.
Once done with this section, click Next to continue.
Test and Set Live
Here you can set the date of when this tariff will be live and apply to cancelled/no fare jobs.
- Select the Date & Time to set your tariff live. Do not worry, this setting can be modified at any point if you need to adjust the date.
- Select Save.
Enabling Cancellation Fees in Passenger App
The final step is enabling cancellation fees in your passenger app.
To enable the cancellation fees:
- Go to the AppSettings > Passenger App 5G > Booking.
- Find the Booking Cancellation Rule setting. Your chosen option defines at what booking stage the user can cancel the booking:
- On Confirm: The passenger can only cancel the booking when the booking is confirmed. They cannot cancel if it proceeds to the next stage.
- On Confirm/Dispatch: The passenger can cancel when the booking is confirmed and also when the vehicle has been dispatched. However, they cannot cancel when the driver arrives or when they board the vehicle.
On Confirm/Dispatch/VehicleArrived/POB: The passenger can cancel the booking when it is confirmed and dispatched, upon the driver's arrival and if the passenger is on board too.
- Scroll down and find the Charge Cancellation Fee Enabled setting. Toggle on this setting so that it is enabled.
Note: Passenger app users must accept the new T&Cs after updating the app to the latest version. The app cannot charge cancellation fees to users who don't update the app.
- Then click Publish.
Note: Enabling cancellation fees immediately affects E-booking and phone booking users. However, Passenger app users are only impacted after updating to the latest version.
To confirm cancellation fees are working, dispatch a booking on the account to Driver Companion and then cancel it from the Dispatch screen. The cancelled booking should be using the 'Cancellation Charge' cost source.